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m2367 last won the day on August 10 2016

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  1. Hi, I used two forum articles to get pretty far in fixing what Facebook sees on a details page that Caspio creates. Could you help me fix this so that specific product details are shown in the Facebook URL preview? I added a script based on Jan's suggestions in these articles and I need help to correct the javascript. http://forums.caspio.com/index.php/topic/4148-fieldsparameters-in-browser-tabs/?hl=%2Bpage+%2Btitle http://forums.caspio.com/index.php/topic/4297-facebook-open-graph-meta-tags/?hl=facebook When I add a caspio-related details page URL into a Facebook status, it automatically puts gobbledy gook instead of the content that I am trying to specify with OG code. Shown here: http://prntscr.com/5jxrw9 Page title Click here to load this Caspio online database. Click here to load this Caspio online database. Click here to load this Caspio online database. Click here to load this Caspio online database. Click here to load this Caspio online database. Click here to load this Caspio online database. From what I can tell, this is because of the embedded code when I use the Wordpress Caspio plugin. It looks like one of the problems is that Facebook believes it knows my canonical URL and is not looking at the product ID parameter to see what OG data is there. I want the data to be specific to each product page and not be generic. Here is what I put in the Header data page element. How can this be fixed? I don't see how to modify the Facebook OG code to conform to Jan's javascript provided. (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/payments/product) <style type="text/css"> #Mod0EditRecord, #Mod0CancelRecord{ display: none; } </style> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> window.onload= function() { document.title ="[@field:product_NAME] | [@field:product_MANUFACTURERorig] | Adjectivs"; head prefix= "og: fb: product: http://ogp.me/ns/product#" og:title ="[@field:product_NAME] | [@fild:product_MANUFACTURERorig] | Adjectivs"; og:type ="product"; fb:app_id ="259344627418443": og:url ="http://adjectivs.com/product-details-caspio/?product_Product_UID=[@field:product_Product_UID] />; og:image ="[@field:product_IMAGEURL]"; } </SCRIPT>
  2. Hi, I am going crazy with some grey lines now that I'm trying to launch. I ignored them since I thought it would be easy to fix once I came back to them. Boy, was I wrong. I do not know CSS much at all, so I'm sincerely hoping someone knows a fix. Thin grey lines surround and are inside all of my datapages. I write boxes below, but they're really lines. I am deployed on Wordpress, so I've gone about trying to eliminate what is causing them. I now believe this is related to some sort of default style with Wordpress, but not related to something defined in the actual CSS file since I've been deleted files and still having issues. I find it cannot be fixed with Caspio style, however, something in the Caspio code IS triggering these lines. I have included screenshots, look for the thin grey lines, perhaps related to Caspio using tables in its code? Based on various support pages elsewhere, it might be an outline and not a border. Trying to fix that didn't help. I am using Divi from Elegant Themes. It is not an Elegant Themes issue, since I tested with the theme twentythirteen. My site is at adjectivs.com. NO BOXES In Dreamweaver, completely new blank page, no CSS, embed the data page, NO boxes with iframe, no boxes appear With preview within Caspio generated preview, no boxes appear WITH BOXES Used Twentythirteen theme and the boxes appeared. deleted the whole css and rtl css files for twentythirteen and boxes appeared deleted the caspio plugin and boxes still appeared, then embedded and boxes appeared tried adding css to make outlines and border of div gone
  3. Did you get this resolved? I have the same issue and it's driving me crazy. I did everything mentioned above. I've tried a huge amount of things to fix this including what's mentioned above. If anyone has insight contact me and I'll send all the things I've done. I'll probably start a new thread on this after looking for more similar topics.
  4. Jan, I saw this other reply you posted. I'm wondering if I am looking for something similar where the search gets separated using cases and assigning each word a field. http://forums.caspio.com/index.php/topic/4507-how-to-search-on-two-predefined-criteria/?hl=%2Blogic+%2Bresults#entry14186 I'm surprised the wizard logic screen doesn't have an option to make a field translate into 'word one' "or" 'word two,' when someone types in "one two" I appreciate any advice or javascript suggestions. M
  5. Hi, I have a details page that I want people to be able to comment on. I've successfully added the comment to the layout, and I've tried to pass parameters. The parameters aren't working. How do I auto-associate a new comment with the topic or page that it's on? The form correctly records the comment and whatever the user enters, but the User ID and Product ID aren't coming through. thanks, M
  6. Hi Jan, No, not in this case. I'd like people to type in a regular open text field so that they can type in any lots of different types of words. I don't want to use a listbox with pre-configured categories. thanks M
  7. Hi, I have been trying to figure out how to make my search results work. I have a product database that I want people to be able to search. The submission form has: one search field that allows people to type in brand names, materials, adjectives. Results show: Products that contain some or all of the words that were typed in. This is tied to a keyword field that includes lots of product descriptors. How do I change the logic and rules to make this work? Do I need to use Javascript to take the full string and separate each word into separate fields? The regular Caspio "or" logic doesn't work. Here's an example that might make more sense: People type in search results "gold shiny purple flowers" I want to be able to show products that contain gold or shiny or purple or flowers. Ideally the top of the search results include the most relevant products which might have all four words included. But, I want my gold shiny necklace to show up even if I don't have gold shiny flowers. Thanks! I don't know Javascript but I have been able to implement scripts when people give them to me. thanks for your help.
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