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  1. Hi, My issue is that the lengths of the grouped fields on the results page of a tabular datapage don't line up. The support team at Caspio helped me fix this by adding 'display: none;' to specific classes in my style. This allows the grouped fields to line up, but only for a second after the page has loaded at which point they go back to home they were before. The support team at Caspio suggest this is because the script that freezes headers of the table cannot work correctly with "Display:none;" setting of a cell of a table. Any ideas on how to work around this so that the top row is frozen and the grouped fields line up This is the results page, the grouped fields are slightly different lengths: http://eu1.caspio.com/dp.asp?AppKey=789a300013e75e7bc15d4ec9b171 Any help would be appreciated
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