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Parma2015 last won the day on October 3 2016

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  1. Hi! No luck so far, other than to export data to an ftp from Caspio using scheduled tasks, and then pull it into Power BI. Kind of workaround
  2. Hi! Thanks a lot. I have tried Autocomplete earlier, but haven't seen that I can change the setting from "Begins with" to "Contains". Very helpful, and just what I needed.
  3. When using dropdown in a form, I would like to be able to search in a dropdown with the criteria "Contains". Now, if I type "C", the cursom jumps to the first Item in the list that starts with the letter "C". Is it possible to narrow down a search in a dropdown when typing and where only items that contains the text I typed are displayed?
  4. Hi! I did a google search and found that this code was working fine: <a href=" " title="[@field:Comment]">Tekst</a> I have a field with Comment (Field name = "Comment", and the link is named "Tekst". When I hover over "Tekst", a pop-up window shows the content of the field "Comment" No need for any Javascript here :-)
  5. Hi! I tried this code to display a text, but it did not work. I have managed so a popup window appears, but it displays a whole lot of strange code. Should it work with text as well?
  6. Hi! I have created a resource planning system, and want to present allocation in a stacked bar chart with dyamic headers (day, week or month). Has anyone done that or know of some plugins to use? I found something at www.highcharts.com that looks really nice, but the easiest would be to use something with proven record inside Caspio. Any ideas or experience?
  7. Hi! Has anyone out there implemented or tested Power BI by Microsoft for presenting data from Caspio database? I would appreciate any experience.
  8. Hi! I have now solved this issue. I used "caspioform" in the codeline that executes the function. That didn't work. when I cahenged it to "InsertRecordDate", it did. It seems like when I have several forms deployed on one web page, the syntax "caspioform" doesn't work.
  9. Hi! I have a Submission Form with a function that calculate period (YYYYMM) from a date selected in a Calendar Popup control. The code works fine in preview and when deployed with URL, but nothing happens when the form is embedded. Is there a difference in the code for these two methods of deployment? I use the onchange method to execute the function. Jan
  10. Hi! I've also tried to find my subdomain to get started with zapier, but can't find it. I have now tried to find it in the deploymend code as described above, but with no luck :-( Can anyone specify where to find it? regards Jan
  11. Hi! I get values for all variables, and none shows NA or NAN. However, it seems like I need to replace the dot (.) with a comma (,) to make it work. Perhaps this is due to the localization which is formatted that way. In the table, all numbers are formattet with dots, but in my forms I need comma. Could there be a way to format number this way through Java? Maybe I have to convert it to a string first, then replace the dot, and then back to numberformat? Regards Jan H
  12. Hi! Thanks for your reply. The data type in the table is number, which means it couldt be a number with decimals. The field in my submission form is a text field, and here ared cilcel with an "X" inside icon appear when I try to submit, followed by the massage "Must be a number". I use comma as separator in my form but in the table, it is stored with dot as separator. (input is Scandinavian style as I am located in Norway). As I use text field for input, I havent been able to format the number. I used "Display only", as I then was able to format the number with comma saparator. That didn't work either, as nothing showd up in that field. Regards Jan
  13. Hi! I have created a calculation in a submission form that calculate hours from a start hour and start minute to a stop hour and stop minute. I also subtract for a lunch break in minutes. I also store these values in my table, formatted as integer The calculation goes as it should, and the value is stored in a field ("Hours"). However, I got problems when submitting and when the number of hours is not a whole number. Then I get the message "Must be a number". The table fiels is formatted as number, and should accept decimals. I also tried differend ways of formatting the result as number with two decimals, but I still get the same massage. Here is the code: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function calcHours() { var startH = document.getElementById("InsertRecordStartHr").value; var startM = document.getElementById("InsertRecordStartMin").value; var lunchM = document.getElementById("InsertRecordLunch").value; var stopH = document.getElementById("InsertRecordStopHr").value; var stopM = document.getElementById("InsertRecordStopMin").value; var hrs = (stopH-startH)- (lunchM/60) + (stopM-startM)/60; document.getElementById("InsertRecordHours").value= hrs; } document.getElementById("caspioform").onchange=calcHours; </SCRIPT> I am not sure where the problem occurs. Is there anybody that can see what could be the problem here? I have also concidered to display the calculated value in a virtual field (if that is possible), so the value is not stored in my table. Then I could do the calculation again in a view when reporting hours. At least I will avoid to break the normalization rules that way :-/ Regards Jan
  14. Thanks again. Where in the world are you located? Regards Jan H
  15. Hi! This last code worked perfectly! Thank Youuuu! Now I learnt also how to display values as I go with the "alert". You see, I am used to VBA with the development tools available, but I have not yet come to this point in Javascript. This was really helpful. Regards Jan H Arntzen
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