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  1. One of the first fields on my form needs to be unique (FieldA), and the form itself is rather long. If a user enters a value into FieldA that is not unique, they get an error message, but not until they try to submit the form. How can I have the the error message ("Value already present") appear as soon as the user clicks out of that field - using onblur in javascript, for example - rather than waiting until the user hits the submit button? I sought out information on the internet but have not found a suitable solution to this problem. I am trying to prevent users wasting time filling out the entire form so that they are alerted of the error immediately upon entering the non-unique value. Thanks so much for the help.
  2. Hello everyone! A field used to search is from dropdown list which contains something like "- Select -" when nothing is selected. Is it possible to ignore it in the search criteria? In the Configure Search Fields page, you can configure to ignore the field in search criteria if it is left blank. Can the same thing be done for a special word? Thank's!
  3. Hello all member! I have almost completed a project but I am facing problems while sending bulk emails based on some filters. I can pull those emails in list box but not sure how to select all emails from listbox make a string separated by ';' and send emails to all the recipient. I badly need support. Thank you in advance.
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