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  1. Hello, I am building a Login/Registration/Password-reset database and authentication system with Caspio and am trying to integrate it into an existing PHP based web page. My web page is highly customized ecommerce site that has specialiazed B2B purchase order type system without any login. I want to expand into offering online credit card payments and paypal but I require a customer account system to authenticate and save customer data and provide my FoxyCart with shipping and bulk pricing for individual customers. 1. Is this possible with Caspio? After building a login system I can't see where or how I can pass Authentitcation data through to my order system. 2. How can I update my current php database with newly (caspio) registered users? 3. Is there a webhook or API to assist in this?
  2. Hey, I tried searching the forum but can't seem to find the topic I am looking for. I am running into a bit of a confusing spot, hopefully you all can help. I have 3 levels of registered users (ranked from "highest" to lowest) -Admin -Business -General I am trying to build a messaging system (I watched the classifieds tutorial that touches on this...still a little confused) that allows -General users to message -Business users, and have it show up on a report datapage (on the backend of the -business users profile page). It is working now so that when you click "contact" it automatically loads the business' User ID into the submission data, however I can't seem to figure out how to make it work so that it automatically loads the actual sender's ID (the -General user) and implements that into the submission form as well. Is this possible? If more details are needed please ask, I can tell you how I have the tables set up!! Thanks for any help!!
  3. Hi I need some help. I am trying to add data to a table via a form that is already created with MachForms. They allow passing data to external websites via http post. I read the article on making this work with external forms but I can not make this work for me. The article referenced using <form method post action to the caspio URL> and adding hidden input type to the AppKey for the datapage. I have tried placing this everywhere and added it on the MAchForms parameters as well. I attached a screen shot of the notifications settings that I can control to pass parameters and to where it lets me enter the URL for my caspio datapage. Any suggestions? THANKS!!!
  4. I've been successfully passing parameters from a submission form, deployed as embedded in my web page, to a tab structure that contains several datapages for the results. This tab structure (also deployed embedded) is based on nested iframes and was built using Caspios embedded tab interface So far so good. Recently I modified the submission form by putting it in a tab structure with other submission form datapages. But this time I used the Ajax approach suggested by Caspio (http://howto.caspio.com/tech-tips-and-articles/advanced-customizations/create-tabbed-navigation-for-multiple-datapages/) because I was told that this would be more reliable for passing parameters than using a second iframe embedded structure on the same web page. So in summary I have submission form tabs (Ajax based), passing parameters to nested iframe tabs Unfortunately the parameters which used to be passed are no longer being passed. Any ideas?
  5. Hello there, I have two iFrames inside an HTML Page; one is a Submission Form, the other is a Report shown as Tabular. The iFrame with the Tabular Report receives parameters once you press "Submit" on the iFrame containing the Submission Form. It works, but I have to refresh the HTML Page in order for the changes to show in the Tabular Report. What I want is the iFrame containing the Tabular Report (or the entire HTML Page, either way is good) to refresh once i press "Submit" on the iFrame containing the Submission Form, so that the changes will show automatically after i send the parameters. Can it be done? Any help on this matter is appreciated!
  6. Hello, I find myself in the process of considering switching our format from HTML to WordPress (actually.. client has recently read a few articles on the wonders of CMS's). Personally I feel there are some advantages switching to WP, although I would feel better with the decision after hearing from the WP veterans. Any and all feedback (pros & cons) on experiences between WP and Caspio is greatly appreciated. We are running on a dedicated linux server, so the transition should go fairly smoothly. What bothers me (and I could be misunderstanding) is after reading through a WordPress search on this forum, passing parameters between data pages appears to be problematic. Passing parameters between data pages is utilized frequently within our site, so this has me a bit concerned. Thanks again for all feedback Jim
  7. I have 2 data pages. 1 is a submission form and the other is a results page. I am passing parameters from the submission form so that the results page finds the correct information from the database for display. My database records have several fields, but for the purpose of this question I will only use 3 of the fields. Field 1: Store Name Field 2: Category Field 3: State Some of the stores are located in multiple states. Many are in all 50 states. Rather than creating a separate record for each store/category/state I have put all states for that store name into the state field, with each separated by a comma. When I submit my search using a "contains" format I have no problem finding each record that I am searching for, but I don't want to display all of the text that can be found in the state field, I only want to display the parameter that was passed when I ran the search. Is there any way to display the parameter on my results page and not the actual text found in the state field?
  8. I am very new to Caspio, I am having trouble figuring the best way to link 2 different databases. One is a list of applications and info of the person and the other is the info I enter if I hire them. My solution was a button on the application from the first database that opens up the second application and passes parameters of record number, name, email, and phone. Problem: If the employee changes their phone number and I enter it into the second data base the next time I open the second with the first it re-passes the parameter and overwrites the new phone number. Ideas?
  9. I am trying to filter datapages that are embedded within a page that I show within an iframe and I can not seem to get the parameters to pass into the I-Frame when the parent page is loaded. I have a "Project" report with custom link to details page. This link passes Project_ID fine to datapages actually embedded on the target page. What I want to do is embed other pages (hosted on same domain) via IFrame and have the results of datapages embedded on the page shown in iframe filtered by the Project_ID. I want to use I frames to reduce load time, data usage and also have the ability to refresh specific datapages when editing data. Again, the parent page that hosts the Iframe is receiving the parameter fine, i just can not get the DPs within the embedded page to see the passed parameter. Much help in advance!
  10. Hello, I don't know if it's Wordpress issue but for some reason, whenever I deploy a datapage in iFrame, both wordpress code and html code, it wont receive any parameters however when using different deployment, it's working fine. Currently I deployed the datapage using the other means but I'd prefer using iFrame on some instances. Thank you.
  11. Hi, i am deploying my pages using the URL and I need to clear the parameters, how can i add ?cbResetParam=1 to the page URL
  12. I have a single record update form deployed on my webpage which contains an iframe inside an html block on the parent page. This iframe collects a signature. I need help getting the signature to pass to the parent page once the iframe has been submitted. How can I pass a parameter from an iframe to the parent page it is deployed in?
  13. Benades

    Referral Link

    Hi, I need to create a typical referral link when followed it would auto complete a field (Referrer ID) in a registration form. All the examples I've seen talk about passing parameters from one form to another without being seen where in my case I need it displayed as text (or URL). Thanks for the input
  14. Hello, I have created a search data page similar to the example shown in http://howto.caspio.com/tech-tips-and-articles/parameters/add-a-search-interface-to-results-sets-page/ The search works fine the first time around (sometimes on a clean page load), but if you search again the search and appsession parameter from the previous search are still shown cached in the browser. Manually deleting these from the browser URL Bar allows for a successful search. From within the search form, I tried setting the destination to the same page and used the same search page url (http://www.mydomain.com/searchpage.html?cbResetParam=1). But apparently this clears the search parameter before the results data page can receive them. My question is where do I insert the cbResetParam=1 reset parameter to reset the browser cache when a new search is submitted from the submission form? I am guessing it could be reset "onclick" using js in the footer, but alas I am still learning js and could not find any examples to get started on Thank you in advance for any help on this.
  15. Hello All I'm trying to integrate a QR code generator in my Caspio data page. It works easily enough when using a simple URL, but I don't know how to include Query strings. As an example, if I use https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=150x150&cht=qr&chl=http://website.com then it works fine. If I try and include query strings at the end though, for example- https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=150x150&cht=qr&chl=http://website.com&name=fred&email=fred@aol.com it doesn't work. I've tried encoding the URL, but that doesn't work either. Any help would be very gratefully received. Thanks Duncan
  16. my one authentication is built from a view based on a user_ table. when i build a report from that view, all fields present their expected values, that is, they show the values that are in the user_ table. however, when i build an HTML page and select authentication fields for embed (using the 'insert parameter' feature), not all fields present their expected values. for instance: [@authfield: user__first_name] prints out the user's first name on the HTML page and [@authfield: user__last_name] prints out the user's last name on the HTML page and even [@authfield: user__display_name] (which is a function that concatenates the first and last name) prints out the user's first name on the HTML page HOWEVER [@authfield: user__original_user_id] displays nothing even though it has a text field value of IAQM6XBX in the user table (upon which the authentication view is built, and, again, which prints out just fine in a tabular report built from that view) AND [@authfield: user__has_a_pool] displays nothing even though the text field has a value of 'Y' in the user table, and even though it prints out just fine in the tabular report built from the view. the only theory i have for why this might be is that the fields that are displaying nothing did not exist when the table was first created; they were later added. that is, i suspect that some caspio features don't update after initial creation (such as authentication view fields). i have created new views based on the updated table, but that hasn't helped. the only thing i haven't tested is creating a whole new table, which i am loathe to do. a perhaps related issue is that i have noted that when i change / add fields in tables - and ensure that those changes are duly reflected in the views that they participate in - datapage lookups for those views still do not reflect the changes in the table fields. in other words, if i were to change 'field ABC' to 'field XYZ' in a table, i can confirm that the change is reflected in view. however, when i select that view as a lookup table for a datapage's dropdown field, i will still see 'field ABC' and not see 'field XYZ'. that is, it is as if the original blueprint of the table/view is preserved. so, any thoughts? thanks for reading this far.
  17. Thank you for reviewing my question, which deals with Cloudinary's image management integration: I have successfully setup a Caspio Web Services profile and verified it with Caspio Bridge Rest API, resulting in Code 200 response body. Please note that I am learning as I go and do not have a background in tech, so I appreciate anything you can offer me. In light of my lack of experience, I feel that I am wasting a good amount of time learning concepts related to API from sources outside of Caspio, something that was reconfirmed after watching Ned Pajic's YouTube video, "How to Generate an API Token", whereby watching that video was the best 5 minutes I have spent doing something in a long time. Thank you, Ned, for reconfirming through your video that all of the answers are contained within Caspio services and, as I have also discovered, within the Caspio Community. I have already purchased Integromat and Zapier and used these services succesfully, but I have decided that I don't want to use these features for the application I am developing because I would like for my clients to be able to use the Cloudinary widget in conjunction with the forms I have developed within Caspio. Submitted forms are given a unique ID within the Caspio table. I would like to be able to associate the photos in Cloudinary to the specific unique ID of the entry within Caspio. In simpler terms: Client uses a Caspio form to make a submission >> client needs to include pictures for the submission >> client can thereby use Cloudinary widget to select their photo >> client submits the form >> submission creates unique ID per the design already implemented >> that unique ID becomes part of the public ID, or perhaps tag, of the Cloudinary image. Cheers and thank you very much!
  18. I built a page a couple of years ago with a search form that passes parameters to multiple datapages, all deployed / embedded on a squarespace site. Now no parameters are being passed. Squarespace of course offers no support but Caspio says that this is due to Squarespace recently switching to iFrame, which doesn't allow parameters to be passed. Has anyone else experienced this issue? Is there an alternative method to deploying on squarespace, or an alternative site that is much better for this type of deployment? Caspio recommended Weebly, but Weebly appeared to be a total disaster and showed duplicates of each datapage, and then went crazy and all the datapages disappeared. I'd think that there'd be a simple solution to this, or that this would be an existing issue on the forums, but maybe there is a simple solution. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  19. I want to call a datapage URL with query parameters then have an HTML Block Link "pass through" those parameters via the URL call to my second datapage. 1) Call Tabular Rpt datapage to list (all) items from a table (caspio URL with parameters: WID=User ID, LBE=Email) from CMS (Wix) - these are current user id fields and NOT part of a table yet - URL (from CMS): https://caspioacct.caspio.com/dp/appid1?WID=" + userId + '&LBE=' + userEmail (works fine) 2) Have that Rpt datapage (in Details Page Fields) present an HTML Block with a Link to call a Submission Form datapage to create an entry in a different table (caspio URL with parameters: WID=User ID, LBE=Email, UniqueID=caspio primary key from first table, ItemName=caspio ItemName from first table) - https://caspioacct.caspio.com/dp/appid2?WID=HelpMe&LBE=HelpMeAgain!&UniqueID=[@field:TableID]&ItemName=[@field:ItemName] - the last two fields are part of the main table and work fine - no problem (works fine) - BUT the first two fields are managed externally in the CMS and are not part of Caspio environment (except via URL parameters from the initial call) Note: I had this junk working with Authentication fields before having the bright idea to move user management to the CMS. When I try to add fields to the Link, my only options are Data Source Fields (table) or System Parameters but these are neither at the time of the call. I tried adding two "temp" fields to the original table and loading the External parameters but they're empty when I make the call. I might also be able to create a "temp" table for the fields I need but that seems unnecessary. Is there anything like a "global" variable I can store something in before I put it in the table? OF course, it needs to be accessible by the second datapage. Any other workaround approaches from those more experienced? Please help (and pardon the ramblings of a noob).
  20. After following a couple of threads on the related topic, I still cannot figure this out... I have a report page that shows a chart that has the search above the chart. The search is just a listbox that allows multiple entries by holding control. I have the below script in my footer along with a Virtual Field (Virtual1) hidden that is passing parameter Virtual1. I have a second pie chart on the page below that takes the parameter from Virtual1 as CONTAINS. However, this pie chart will not work based on the script below. I believe the parameter is not passing at all, and I am not sure why. Does anyone see any issue? Here is my current website I am testing this out on: https://simionehhaclaims.weebly.com/dashboard-v2.html The pie chart should be pulling up below the bar/line combo chart but it will not work. <script type="text/javascript"> var fieldName = "Value1_1"; var x1=document.getElementsByName(fieldName); x1[0].multiple=true; function splitAndParse() { var result = ""; var cleanResult = ""; for (var i = 0; i < x1[0].length; i++) { if (x1[0].options.selected) { result += "\""+x1[0].options.value+"\"" + " OR " ; } } document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual1").value = result; } setTimeout(splitAndParse, 20); </script>
  21. I have a DataPage that I am embedding in a Joomla article. I use Joomla ACLs, so I am not using Caspio's authentication. But I still want to get the user's Name and ID (from Joomla) to load into the Caspio database to track who created/updated the records. I uses a PHP snippet of code to get the user's information and put it into a variable. This works because I can echo it to the screen. I then want to pass the variable to the Caspio DataPage by modifying the embed code generated for the DataPage as follows: As generated by Caspio: <script type="text/javascript" src="https://c1abs817.caspio.com/dp/ec1d70004e69797b8ed24ca4ade4/emb"></script> <div class="cxkg"><a href="https://c1abs817.caspio.com/dp/ec1d70004e69797b8ed24ca4ade4">Click here</a> to load this Caspio <a href="http://www.caspio.com" target="_blank" title="Cloud Database">Cloud Database</a></div> <div id="cbec1d70004e69797b8ed24ca4ade4"><a href="https://www.caspio.com" target="_blank">Cloud Database</a> by Caspio</div> As modified by me: <script type="text/javascript" src="https://c1abs817.caspio.com/dp/ec1d70004e69797b8ed24ca4ade4/emb?joomuser=<?php echo $username; ?>"></script> <div class="cxkg"><a href="https://c1abs817.caspio.com/dp/ec1d70004e69797b8ed24ca4ade4?joomuser=<?php echo $username; ?>">Click here</a> to load this Caspio <a href="http://www.caspio.com" target="_blank" title="Cloud Database">Cloud Database</a></div> <div id="cbec1d70004e69797b8ed24ca4ade4><a href="https://www.caspio.com" target="_blank">Cloud Database</a> by Caspio</div> Notice that I have put my modification " ?joomuser=<?php echo $username; ?>" into the script in two places. Not really sure if it's needed in both places, but not knowing, I put it in both. When I press the SUBMIT button on the DataPage, the record ( a transaction header record) is written to the database and then a details DataPage is loaded. The record is written as expected and the 2nd DataPage is presented, but when I check the record written, the user name from JOOMUSER is not recorded. Here is a screenshot of how I have the field set up on the datapage: Clearly, I am doing something wrong or missing a step. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  22. I have a Submit form where I select a client account in a dropdown and it displays the account info in fields below via cascading auto complete. Instead of using a dropdown and fields, can I instead load/display the table data (account info) in an HTML block using parameters? or any other way?
  23. I have ticketing application, which is spread over many datapages (50+). Out of a userbase of 20, I have 5 users that don't need to see the full app, but only a 'limited' version. I think this could be achieved if I pass a parameter through the login authentication page, which would be received by any subsequent datapages the users visit(and then add conditional logic on each datapage to hide whatever needs to be hidden, if a specific parameter is received). My issue is the standard Caspio interface can only pass the login information (e.g. Email) as a parameter through the authentication page - e.g. [@testpar]? <script> document.addEventListener('BeforeFormSubmit', function (event) { var comparevar = document.getElementById("xip_Email").value; if (comparevar === 'user1email@test.com') { //pass [@testpar] = 'limitedView' } }); </script>
  24. Hello. I have a submission form with a popup link. The form has a Job dropdown element that is being used as a parameter to pass to the popup. When a Job is selected from the dropdown and the popup link is clicked, a List Report pops up and shows records related to the Job that was selected. This works great. However, I need an element in the form to be cascading, and the Job dropdown has to be the parent field for this. When I enable the cascading feature, my popup stops working. I get an Uncaught TypeError of null, stating that the parameter field name cannot be found. So, Job can be found before it is made a parent field for a cascading element, but once it is made the parent field, it stops working. Here is my code. <script> var fieldName = "Job"; // The name of your table field. var paramName = "Job"; // The name of your parameter /* No modifications necessary beyond this line */ var inputField = document.querySelector('[action*="[@cbAppKey]"] #InsertRecord' + fieldName); var linkToChild = document.querySelector('[action*="[@cbAppKey]"] #linkToChild'); var baseUrl = linkToChild.href; //do not touch var moddedUrl = baseUrl; //do not touch function updateLink() { moddedUrl = `${baseUrl}?${paramName}=${this.value}` } ['change', 'keydown','keyup'].forEach( function(e) { inputField.addEventListener(e, updateLink); }); inputField.dispatchEvent(new Event('change')); linkToChild.onclick = function() { window.open(moddedUrl, '', 'resizable=no,status=no,location=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,fullscreen=no,scrollbars=no,dependent=no'); return false; } </script> Any help would be appreciated. This is maddening me, haha.
  25. Hi, I am using a script in an html block to detect certain criteria and display something based on that criteria. Here is my script: <script> var status = "[@field:Account_status]"; function invitepopup() { window.open("https://c3fot467.caspio.com/dp.asp?AppKey=34fe4000f38aceb2a5da4c74bea2&UserID=[@field:User_ID]", "Invite", "menubar=1,resizable=1,width=500,height=500"); } if (status === "Yes") { document.write("Active"); } else { document.write('<a href="#" onclick="invitepopup()" title="Click to invite again">Invited by [@field:OriginUserName]</a>'); } </script> The if/else works fine, it shows "Active" for all the active users and "Click to invite again" for all the invitees ... however the link doesn't send the parameter properly. https://c3fot467.caspio.com/dp.asp?AppKey=34fe4000f38aceb2a5da4c74bea2&UserID=[@field:User_ID] is passed with the wrong User_ID. It seems to be passing the ID of the last user in the table, rather than the ID of the row it is in - it's currently showing 3 invitees in my table and they all are being received by the popup with the same ID (last user in the table). However if I just put this in as a plain (<a href="https://c3fot467.caspio.com/dp.asp?AppKey=34fe4000f38aceb2a5da4c74bea2&UserID=[@field:User_ID]" title="Click to invite again">Invited by [@field:OriginUserName]</a>), it works completely fine! Is there something in the script which is removing or replacing the User ID? I'm completely stumped! Hope someone can help! Many thanks Nikki
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