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Found 11 results

  1. I am creating a database to hold clients list and am looking for a way to link the company profile to employee details page
  2. My designer and I are having trouble figuring out how to target the arrows (see attached) in the Details page for styling. We just want to change their color to match our site. Seems like it'd been an easy fix, but we're stuck. Thank you.
  3. I'd like to open the Details Page of a report for the record the user creates when submitting a form. The purpose is that the form gets complex if user should enter everything, and I'd like to make the user continue on the details page. I don't want to waste DataPages on multistep forms since I need the report and details page anyway. Have not found any solution on howto. caspio.com.. Does anyone know if that is possible and how it is done? G
  4. Newbie to Caspio. I have a tabular report with a details page and I want to create a text field so Users can add comments. Then another user for example can open the details page, see the 1st user's comment and add their own comment. So the final result should look like a textbox to add comments And any comment that were previously submitted from other users. Similar to the image below
  5. Hello guys, How can I use the timestamp as a default or initial value of my DateTime field in a Details page? I set the Form Type to Text Field, but I can't see the On Load option in the Advanced Tab. If I set the field as Hidden, I get that On Load option, but at the expense of not being able to edit it. Please help. -dspolyglot
  6. Hello! I have an app that serves like a ticketing system. The tickets are either "Open" or "Closed". The field that handles the "Open"/"Closed" value I've set to hidden in my Results and Details page. Aside from default functions of the Update button in the details page, can I add another function to it such that when a user clicks the Update button it will set the hidden field to "Closed"?
  7. Hi! This is my first question on this forum, so I apologize if this question is not in the scope of the board I followed this thread to concatenate values from four virtual fields onto an existing field on a details page upon "update". I added the code below to the footer of my details page, and it worked when my virtual fields were text fields. However, this code did no longer worked when I changed my virtual fields to autocomplete fields. Is there another step I need to convert the autocomplete to text? <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function concatenate() { var x0 = document.getElementById("EditRecordOtherCollectors").value; var x1 = document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual2").value; var x2 = document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual3").value; var x3 = document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual4").value; var x4 = document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual5").value; document.getElementById("EditRecordOtherCollectors").value = x0+" "+x1+" "+x2+" "+x3+" "+x4; } document.getElementById("caspioform").onsubmit=concatenate; </SCRIPT> Thanks!
  8. Hi all ! Does anyone has a solution for this? I need to hide some text on the details page, when AuthField' value is not equal value from the Field#2. Merci!
  9. So this is something that has been addressed a couple of different times but not of the Javascript solutions work for me. I have an update page that has 3 listboxes with multi-select enabled. I need the update page to display the multiple selections in the listbox separately and not in one long sentence separated by commas. Here are two of the different scripts I have tried to use, neither has worked. First: <script> // Function for selecting corresponding elements from the list box. function select_ (){ // get listbox element var o_els = new Array("EditRecordStatus","EditRecordMarket_Sector","EditRecordDivisions"); for (var k=0; k< o_els.length; k++ ) { var o_el = document.getElementById(o_els[k]); // Enable multiselect for listbox o_el.multiple="multiple"; // get listbox length var len = o_el.options.length; // get selected element var selected = o_el.options[len-1].value; // verify if selected element contains comas, if yes, do the following if (selected.indexOf(",") != -1 ){ // Split selected option into array var m_array = new Array();m_array=selected.split (","); // Delete last option from the listbox o_el.options.remove(len-1); // Go through listbox and select each option, if it is present in array for( var i=0; i< m_array.length; i++ ){for( var j=0; j< len-1; j++ ){ // Trim spaces while comparing elements from array and listbox if( m_array.replace(/^s+|s+$/g, '') == o_el.options[j].value ){ o_el.options[j].selected = "selected"; } } } } } } // call select_ funtion when details page is loaded window.onload = select_; </script> Second (On this one the 3rd Listbox works but the other two do not): <script type="text/javascript"> var v_state = "[@field:Status]" ; var o_state = document.getElementById("EditRecordStatus") ; o_state.multiple = true ; function f_listbox() { if ( v_state.indexOf(",") > 0 ) { for (var i=0 ; i < o_state.options.length; i++ ) { if(o_state.value == v_state) { o_state.remove(i); break ; } } var o_st = v_state.split(", ") ; for (var j=0 ; j < o_st.length; j++) { for (var i=0 ; i < o_state.options.length; i++ ) { if(o_st[j]== o_state.options.value){ o_state.options.selected = true ; break ; } } } } } window.onload = f_listbox ; </script> <script type="text/javascript"> var v_state = "[@field:Market_Sector]" ; var o_state = document.getElementById("EditRecordMarket_Sector") ; o_state.multiple = true ; function f_listbox2() { if ( v_state.indexOf(",") > 0 ) { for (var i=0 ; i < o_state.options.length; i++ ) { if(o_state.value == v_state) { o_state.remove(i); break ; } } var o_st = v_state.split(", ") ; for (var j=0 ; j < o_st.length; j++) { for (var i=0 ; i < o_state.options.length; i++ ) { if(o_st[j]== o_state.options.value){ o_state.options.selected = true ; break ; } } } } } window.onload = f_listbox2 ; </script> <script type="text/javascript"> var v_state = "[@field:Divisions]" ; var o_state = document.getElementById("EditRecordDivisions") ; o_state.multiple = true ; function f_listbox3() { if ( v_state.indexOf(",") > 0 ) { for (var i=0 ; i < o_state.options.length; i++ ) { if(o_state.value == v_state) { o_state.remove(i); break ; } } var o_st = v_state.split(", ") ; for (var j=0 ; j < o_st.length; j++) { for (var i=0 ; i < o_state.options.length; i++ ) { if(o_st[j]== o_state.options.value){ o_state.options.selected = true ; break ; } } } } } window.onload = f_listbox3 ; </script> Thank you for your help!
  10. Hello - Can you please check my script below? Before updating an entry in a DETAILS page, I need to make an entry check to make sure that the entered items is not greater than the limits (stored in calculated fields). NOTE: The details page' datasource table is a table view. I have this script placed in the details page Footer. <script type="text/javascript"> function EntryCheck() { var D='[@calcfield:7]'; var W='[@calcfield:8]'; var F='[@calcfield:9]'; var enteredDiapers = parseInt(document.getElementById("EditRecordFulfilled_Items_Item_qty_Diapers").value); var enteredWipes = parseInt(document.getElementById("EditRecordFulfilled_Items_Item_qty_Wipes").value); var enteredFormula = parseInt(document.getElementById("EditRecordFulfilled_Items_Item_qty_Formula").value); if ((enteredDiapers>D) || (enteredWipes>W) || (enteredFormula>F))) { alert("Actual fulfilled entry should not excess requested essentials"); } } document.getElementById('caspioform').onsubmit=EntryCheck; </script> Datapage: https://c2arw288.caspio.com/dp.asp?AppKey=da284000b8cdf3ba492b42b8bde9&Request_ID=1 UN: part@mail.com PW: test
  11. <script type="text/javascript"> function calculate(){ var pm1 = document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual3").value; var pm2 = document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual8").value; var pm3 = document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual13").value; var pm4 = document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual18").value; var pm5 = document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual23").value; var pm6 = document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual28").value; document.getElementById("EditRecordTotal").value = pm1 + pm2 + pm3 + pm4 + pm5 + pm6; } document.getElementById("Mod0EditRecord").onmouseover=calculate(); </script> There's my code, I don't know why it's not executing. I tried using the Inspect option in my browser and found this... being called on this line var pm1 = document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual3").value; The field is not null, so I inspected the field I inspected that field and the inspector tells me the Id of that field is actually as follows: So it seems a random set of characters is being added at the end of all my fields, making me unable to "getElementById" since I'll never know what the random set is going to be... How can I either find out that random set or stop it from being generated? Thanks!
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