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Found 10 results

  1. My app starts with a single login and redirects to a specific page from there. On the PC version, I login the one time, and when I go to my home page, the datapage there displays without requiring a second login. Mobile, however, requires the second login. Any idea why?
  2. Hi all, I am using the code to make a datapage more responsive, and while it works wonderfully, I don't know how to make the calendar popup larger to be usable on mobile. When I click on the calendar it shows up but it is way to small to be mobile friendly. Below is what I have for the responsive code. I've been searching styles to try and find out how to change the popup but have been unsuccessful. Any and all help is much appreciated! <!-- Responsive Code Begin --> <style> /* Change max-width to what size you want the form to change at */ @media (max-width: 767px) { #datapage-form table { width: 100% !important; margin-top: 1px !important; } #datapage-form td { display: block; } img[alt~="Calendar"] { position: relative; top: -5px; } } </style> <div id="datapage-form" > <!-- Responsive Code End -->
  3. Hi I want to change location of "View Details" link in the mobile version. Right now the link located in the right top corner (i guess it's default location), I want to locate the link at the buttom left corver (see the screenshot) in my gallery report. Could anybody help with me with CSS Codes that can be used to control the location of the "View Details" on mobile/tablet? Thank you! Lily
  4. The scripts below will let you have a different button style when a Datapage is opened on a mobile device. Technically you will have 2 different buttons with the same action/use, 1 for the mobile view and 1 for the desktop view.First, create a header and footer field, disable the HTML editor, and put the following STYLE in the header <style> input[name="MobileButton"]{ display: none !important; } /*this line will hide the mobile*/ button by default input[name="searchID"]{ display: none !important;} /* this will hide the actual button that*/ comes with the DataPage. @media (max-width: 640px) { /*this part will detect the width of the screen*/ input[name="MobileButton"] { display: block !important;} input[name="PCButton"] { display: none !important;} } </style> Once that is done, create an HTML BLOCK, disable the HTML editor and paste the following code: <input type="submit" name= "PCButton" class="cbSearchButton" value="THIS IS THE DESKTOP BUTTON"> <input type="submit" name="MobileButton" class="cbSearchButton" value="THIS THE MOBILE BUTTON" > NOTE: you can also put the above code in the footer. It just depends on the look that you want to achieve. I also changed the value for the 2 button so you can see them change when changing screensize.
  5. EDIT: Found out the answer to this question- basically, the point of SMS validation is only to validate that a phone number is real and formatted correctly. I thought it was tied to authentication but it's not.
  6. My company's website is now going to a completely responsive front end, but currently none of the Caspio forms on our site work this way. I'm wondering id there are any others who are facing a smilier problem and if there is a solution available. I understand that Caspio forms are not responsive out of the box, but can they made to be? Philip
  7. I'm a relatively experienced Caspio user who is looking to try the caspio mobile kit. Has anyone used the kit with any success? Would you be willing to share an example of it? Any insight would be appreciated. We deploy a lot of apps to mobile responsive pages, which creates the feel of a smart device app, but I'm looking for something more.
  8. I have a script to limit field characters to numbers only. Works great on computer/html but not on Smartphones. <script> function isNumberKey(evt){ var charCode = (evt.which) ? evt.which : event.keyCode if (charCode > 31 && (charCode < 48 || charCode > 57)) return false; return true; } document.getElementById('InsertRecordTIME2').onkeypress =isNumberKey; </script> Do smart phones use an entirely different set of event handlers or script? Is it the .onkeypress or something more intense?
  9. Is it possible on mobile in a number only field to force a phone to display the number pad instead of the full keyboard?
  10. I have a responsive template on my website, but one particular section on a phone overspills over the right edge. This happens on any page that has a form / text from a Caspio deployment. An example page is: https://beautyandfragrancejobs.com/sign-up-step-3/?Candidate_ID=29500 I'm talking about the 'What You Get Section' On my iPhone the 3rd picture in each column goes over the right hand side of the site. How do I fix this? Thank you in advance.
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