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  1. Hey, I was searching for a solution to pass browser parameter into another html page inside an iframe and I stumbled on a neat code and tweaked it. It worked for me so I'm sharing this here. http://help.pardot.com/customer/portal/articles/2126647-passing-url-parameters-from-browser-to-iframe <noscript> <iframe src="ParamCatch.html" width="100%" height="500" type="text/html" frameborder="0" style="border: 0"> </iframe> </noscript> <script type="text/javascript"> var form = 'ParamCatch.html'; var params = window.location.search; var thisScript = document.scripts[document.scripts.length - 1]; var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.setAttribute('src', form + params); iframe.setAttribute('width', '100%'); iframe.setAttribute('height', 500); iframe.setAttribute('type', 'text/html'); iframe.setAttribute('frameborder', 0); iframe.setAttribute('allowTransparency', 'true'); iframe.style.border = '0'; thisScript.parentElement.replaceChild(iframe, thisScript); </script> My Test: - Two HTML pages, Main.html and ParamCatch.html ParamCatch.html contains the embedded DataPage set to receive parameter as filter for Tabular Report Main.html > contains the script above > tested using Main.html?paramname=paramvalue > ParamCatch.html got the parameters and displayed the correct data Cheers!
  2. Hello, Can you help or advice me to reset a parameter. I ask already the Caspio Support but they advice me to place my question to this forum. In the attached file I explain the situation. Thanks in advance for helping me. Best regards, Jeroen Molenaar question about reset parameter.docx
  3. I have a tabular report datapage called "Dashboard" that is authenticated. It has multiple dropdown filters one of which is a personID. The user can select the person from the personID dropdown and the results below are filtered to only show that person's tasks. I want anyone to be able to change the dropdown filter to any person and be able to see that person's tasks in the results below. Those task records have links that let the user drill-down to targets. When the user clicks a link in one of the task records on Dashboard, another tabular report form called "Targets" loads showing the target records for that task. That datapage has a "back" button that returns the user to the Dashboard. When a user clicks the Back button to go back to the Dashboard, I want the filter values (i.e. PersonID) that were previously selected there to be selected again and the results list to be filtered by those values. I'm pretty sure I need to pass parameters back and forth between those pages to make it work correctly and I can do that. When a user first goes to the Dashboard, I want the PersonID filter to default to the user so I have it set to receive the PersonID from the authentication. This works fine. Here is the problem. When returning to the Dashboard from the Targets screen, the PersonID filter on the Dashboard defaults to the user (probably due to the PersonID filter receiving the authentication parameter) but I want it to default to whatever was selected previously. Hope this make sense. Any ideas?
  4. Hi, We have a datapage of a list of current records. At present, we click on a link, and the individual record opens up in a new tab / window. What we would like to do, is have the record appear in a lightbox / modal. However because there is no active "link" involved in opening up a modal (done with Bootstrap - it's simply: data-toggle="modal" data-target="#myModal") and then I would put the Caspio deploy code within div class="modal-content" - how would I ensure the correct record opens up? Many thanks Nikki
  5. Hi everyone I made some experiment but didn't fine a way to show a Bootstrap modal windows with some parameters from the calling page passed. No problem in showing the modal window (except for the responsivness but I'll address later) But any parameter passed to the URL in the HTML Block of the calling page is not received. Is there a best practice on this? On the other end is there a way to use Session parameter or a more Javascript method ? Regards
  6. I have two websites that are accessing the same set of data pages and tables on Caspio. I currently have it set up that the user must select their region (East or West), then the data page is displayed for that region. I'd like to set it up so that a region parameter is passed to Caspio from the website, so the user won't have to select their region. I was hoping there was a way to pass the parameter from the Caspio provided embedded code.
  7. Hi, I've created a details report "Project Details". In preview the system asks me to input parameter. A soon as I type in the parameter and click apply, the result is as I expect it to be. BUT: Giving the same parameter via URL (f.e. "?pid=2"), the system doen't answer in the expected way. Example: deployment URL is: http://eu1.caspio.com/dp.asp?AppKey=54ac3000213663dc7f704ca39391 If I open this URL the result is the first entry (pid=1) BUT: if I try to use "http://eu1.caspio.com/dp.asp?AppKey=54ac3000213663dc7f704ca39391?pid=2" the result is still the same, the system doesn't bring the second entry of the table, still the first one. Can someone tell me what I did wrong? Uwe
  8. Thanks in advance. This is a school/classroom application. I have a search result set for Students. On the result table, I have an HTML block with the following: <a href="https://b6.caspio.com/dp.asp?AppKey=7e4d30007043f4ce0dc44c099960&Student_ID=[@field:Students_Student_ID]">Edit in Tab</a> I then have a HTML Datapage. This datapage holds 3 tabs, including a separate Student EDIT datapage inside Tab 1. How do I get the Student ID passed from the search result above into the ID parameter needed inside Tab 1 for the student edit? Thx again, Matt
  9. I’m trying to create something similar to websites that has a link that automatically opens a mailing app and already has a to address. Is this possible with Caspio? I want it to appear at the bottom of my DataPage. Any suggestion is much appreciated. Thanks!
  10. I have a tabular report which I added a html block with the following code from Caspio's Link Menu Generator: <a class="cbMenuItem" href="#" onclick="window.open(&quot;https://c1acu852.caspio.com/dp/c38980008b3a124afe5e462bbf5e?[@Tbl_Orders_OrderNumber]=AAAAAA&quot;,&quot;mywindow&quot;, &quot;menubar=1,resizable=1,width=500,height=600&quot;)">Modify Order</a> | It is popup form that will allow the customer to edit the order, however, the popup gives "No record found". Not sure if am not passing or receiving the parameter [@Tbl_Orders_OrderNumber]. Any ideas?
  11. Hello all, I am looking to create a column chart URL HERE that allows a user to click on one of the columns to go to a new page. I based my code below off of this jsfiddle. My goal is to have a user click on one of the columns to drill down to another page based on their selection, so if possible, I would love to also include the record as a parameter in the URL string. I cannot get the code below to work even though it works in js fiddle. If it helps, the graph is set so that there will only be 10 records no matter what. <script src="https://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> Highcharts.chart('container', { chart: { type: 'column' }, title: { text: 'Click points to go to URL' }, xAxis: { type: 'category' }, plotOptions: { series: { cursor: 'pointer', point: { events: { click: function () { location.href = 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/'; } } } } }, series: [{ data: [{ x: 1, }, { x: 2 }, { x: 3, }] }] });</script>
  12. Hello, I have a submission form that requests users to select a value in a drop-down. I would like to use the selected value to look up an email address, based on this value, in a different table, and populate a virtual field with that email address. I would then like to use the value in that virtual field to send a submission notification. How can I achieve this? I cannot see how to load a parameter from another table based on the value of a field. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Julien
  13. I have a button next to a small field listbox on a search submission form, that opens a popup. The popup contains a much larger listbox of the same field so that Users can find it easier to view and locate their item for selection. The same 'load' and 'exit' internal parameter passes between the form and the popup, because I need any selection made in the form to show in the popup, and I also need any changed selection in the popup to pass back into the listbox on the form when the popup is closed. I've managed to get a selected item on the popup to pass through to the listbox in the submission form, by reloading the form. But I can't seem to get the parameter to pass the other way (ie from submission form to popup). I guess this is because the 'submit' button on the form hasn't been pressed so the parameter is empty. So I've tried using some JS with 'onchange' in the form's footer, but I'm not good at coding and just can't get the selected item in the listbox to cross into the parameter. Does anyone know some code that can 'force' a value into my '[@sitelink]' parameter? Thanks so much for any tips.
  14. I have a data page embedded in a stand alone web page. I want to pull the info for my logged in user and show that data in a part of my web page outside of caspio. Does anyone know how I can achieve this?
  15. Hello. I need to pass an autovalue parameter into a pop-up window. I'm using a multi-page submission form. The second page of the form has the pop-up html block to capture the autonumber (ProjectID) generated on the parent form. My autonumber field is "ProjectID." I can view the 'Project ID' on the second page of the form; it will not however pass into the pop-up window. This is the code that I have and it's only working for new information entered. The autonumber "Project ID" field that I'd like to pass into the pop-up window is not working. All new data is going to the table except the "Project ID." Code being used is as follows: <a class="cbMenuItem"href="#" onclick="window.open(&quot;http://www.TTTest.com/brokerlookuptest.html?ProjectID=[@InsertRecordProjectID]&quot;,&quot;mywindow&quot;, &quot;menubar=1,resizable=1,width=500,height=500&quot;)">ADD BROKER</a> | Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. I've read up on parameters, query strings, pop-up windows, and used the Caspio Link Menu generator for the code. I'm thinking that something is still off with the syntax as it relates to the parameter be passed. Thanks! Bre
  16. I need to pass a date field parameter through a query string, but I have to provide the date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. I know how to display a date in that way, but when I pass it it always passes as MM-DD-YYYY format.
  17. I have a submission form where there's a choice aside from the normal 'submit new record' function (that's available too but the user can also go this other route). There is a Virtual Field that is a List Box. The user can select a single record from this List Box (not multiple records) and then click a button (not the Submit button) to go to a different datapage. I need to pass the Value of the Virtual List Box as a parameter in the button's url link but don't know how to 'save' that value on the Virtual Fields' 'change'. Does anyone know how to use the Virtual field's current value (probably using a variable from 'on change'?) as a parameter in a url? In this example Virtual 1 is a List Box that stores a numerical unique ID value for the selection. I need to pass that in the url as a parameter. <div style="text-align: center;"><a href="../mypage?ExampleID=[@cbParamVirtual1]&otherfieldID=[@otherfieldID]" target="_self"><input class="cb_custom_btn" type="button" value="LINK" /></a></div>
  18. I have a tabular report with search page . In the search page, I send a parameter with a start date on which I seek ( [ @beginyear ] ) to the resulting page . In the Calculated Field in the resultpage i like to have: search date ( [ @ beginning year ] = 1-1-2016 Record: Start date item item [ @field : begin_date_item ] = 5-5-2016 result: Calculated Field = 5-5-2016 [@field: begin_date_item ] Or Record: Start date item item [@field: begin_date_item ] = 12-4-2015 result: Calculted Field = 1-1-2016 ( [ @ beginning year ] Unfortunately, this does not works. It seems that the parameter of the search page is not working with the proper date format , somebody ideas CASE WHEN [@field:begin_date_item]<[@beginyear] THEN [@beginyear] ELSE [@field:begin_date_item] END
  19. Hello. I would like to pass multiple parameters from a Detail DataPage to another page upon saving the record. I understand how to pass the parameters and specify a destination after update. The trick for me is I would like to have multiple Save buttons on this Detail page, each with a different destination after update specification. The user would choose which Save button to use based on what DataPage they want to go to next. Is this possible? Thank you.
  20. Hi everyone, I am looking to assign a unique URL to my customers that when entered into a web browser will take them to one of my deployed datapages and autofill one of the fields to access the data page. Basically I think I need it to insert a record, however, I do not know how to build a URL to allow this. In other words, I want it to go to "mywebsite.com" and fill in a field such as "User ID" (User_ID being one of my parameters). Any ideas on how I can achieve this? Thanks! Logan
  21. Hi, I have an html page with 2 datapages in it. Both are in their own divs. I'm trying to get the second div, called 'callback', to refresh every 6 seconds. I don't want to refresh the first div. I've got this javascript to do it function autoRefresh_div() { $("#callback").load("https://c1eru548.caspio.com/dp.asp?AppKey=f6344000919808bbf8fb4bb59cec&Email=[@authfield:Email]&Current_Password=[@authfield:Current_Password]"); } setInterval('autoRefresh_div()', 6000); The URL in the function autoRefresh_div is the deployment URL from Caspio for the datapage I want refreshing. Users login into the app and the first page they get is this html page. After 6 seconds the second div refreshes fine, but the system is putting up the standard User Name and Password fields again in the second div, so the user has to login again. The first div isn't doing anything which is the desired action. As you can see I've tried to add these parameters to the URL so it autologs in. Unforutnately it isn't working. If anyone has any ideas that woud be great. Thanks
  22. Hi, My goal is to conditionally hide text/ links etc. based on whether the user is logged in or not. TO be more specific, i want the login text to change into a "Hi user..... Logout" link whenever he has logged in. In my datapage i have enabled parameters and writting the following code in an HTML block <br /> <script> var type_user='[@field:Resume]'; </script> where Resume is a Yes/no field in the same dataset, it is a Yes for all users. On my website, i have an HTML code which goes like <script> if (type_user=='Yes') { document.getElementById("uniquename").style.display = "none"; } else { document.getElementById("uniquename").style.display = "block"; } </script> <div id="uniquename" style="display:block;"> <p>I am something.</p> </div> Please help!
  23. Hi there - I'm trying to pass an external parameter (a unique ID) from my results page - I've read that I need to do this as a query string, but don't know how to do that or from where! Bit of background - I have a 'Review tracker' list report datapage that directs users to a different page through an HTML block (no details page) based on the status of one of the fields (review_stage), but the page always displays with no results. I think this is because the results page is not passing the unique ID to the next page (which is a 'Single record update' submission form) but can't figure out how to get it to do so! Any help would be greatly appreciated .. Tim
  24. Referencing an Image Stored in Caspio Bridge I have been trying to reference an image stored in caspio. I have followed the how to article without success. I don't understand the part about "Files section are not accessible unless they are already being displayed through Caspio Bridge somewhere in a DataPage" I am not using a details page and I've tried adding it to my results page but I just get an image placeholder. Can anyone shed some light on this issue for me?
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