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  1. Hi, I was wondering how would I go about creating a school database in caspio that has an individual table for every class with the marks of the students. rather than having a single table with all 1000 sudents of the school . I need to work just so the students can see their results online. the results we stored in the table
  2. I am attempting to write a formula to LookUp a value in another table. This is what I have but it did not work. LookUp(tblUnit, UnitRent, UnitID=[@field:XBSUnitID]) tblUnit: The name of the table to query. UnitRent: The field containing the rent value to retrieve. UnitID=[@field:XBSUnitID]: The condition for the lookup, where UnitID in tblUnit must match the value in the field named XBSUnitID.writing
  3. I'm struggling getting some CSS correct in a tabular datapage and could use some help. Aggregate rows do not respond to hiding columns in the same way that data rows do when deployed. (See screenshots) In this example, I'm trying to hide three extra cells in the aggregate row. When I preview the datapage it works. When I deploy the datapage, it does not. Note that the first 4 sets of table selectors all work. Here's the CSS in my header element: <style> <!-- WORKS: --> #dashtable table:nth-of-type(1) td:nth-of-type(9) {display: none;} #dashtable table:nth-of-type(1) th:nth-of-type(9) {display: none;} #dashtable table:nth-of-type(1) td:nth-of-type(7) {display: none;} #dashtable table:nth-of-type(1) th:nth-of-type(7) {display: none;} #dashtable table:nth-of-type(1) td:nth-of-type(8) {display: none;} #dashtable table:nth-of-type(1) th:nth-of-type(8) {display: none;} #dashtable table:nth-of-type(1) td:nth-of-type(6) {text-align:center;} #dashtable table:nth-of-type(1) th:nth-of-type(6) {text-align:center;} <!-- PREVIEW WORKS, DOES NOT WORK WHEN DEPLOYED: --> #dashtable .cbResultSetTotalsDataCell {display:none;} </style> <div id="dashtable"> (closing "div" is in footer element. ) Thoughts?
  4. Hey! Is there any way to automatically and instantly insert new view's records into a separated table?
  5. HI All, I'm looking to create something that automatically deletes a record after a certain number of days. Essentially: If ITEM is marked as FOO, delete after XXXX days. Anyone know if it's possible to do this?
  6. Hello, I have a table with N records, where I have a field that is repeated on occasions. I need to select the most current records (oldest date) of each identifier and save them in a table, so that I have something like this: I need to save only 1 value per identifier and that is the one with the most current date. I am thankful for any kind of help.
  7. I have a VERY large table and after some number of columns, the vertical headers get out of alignment by a bit. (The date is supposed to be under "FAT Due" and the blank space under "Assembly Due") Here is the code I'm using: <style type="text/css"> [class*="cbResultSetHeaderCell"]{ text-align:center !important; vertical-align:center !important; } .cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(35),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(36),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(37),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(39),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(40),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(41),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(42),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(43),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(44),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(46),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(47),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(48),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(49),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(50),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(51),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(52),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(53),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(54),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(55),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(56),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(57),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(58),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(59),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(61),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(62),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(63),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(64),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(65),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(66),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(67),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(68),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(69),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(70),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(71),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(72),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(73),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(75),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(76),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(77),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(78),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(79),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(80),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(81),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(82),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(83),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(84),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(86),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(87),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(88),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(89),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(90),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(92),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(93),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(94),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(95),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(97),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(98),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(99),.cbResultSetLabel:nth-child(100) { writing-mode:vertical-rl; white-space: pre; transform: rotate(180deg); border:none; } </style> It transforms 60+ columns. Any ideas on how to fix this?
  8. Hi, can I use select table using caspio Api to external java script?
  9. I am trying to create a log sheet of sorts that shows the users transaction history. I have the table (as below) showing different transactions debit for income and credit for expenses but I want the balance column to show how the balance is increasing or decreasing as the transactions are coming in. ie User makes a deposit of 1000 and the balance also displays 1000, but next line he has an expense in the Credit column of 100 so balance should reflect 900. The table houses multiple users as seen above so that another users credit or debit doesn't influence other users balances.
  10. i have a search page where i am searching using a view and i would like to hide columns that are totally empty
  11. Hello Community, I´m new to Caspio and my try, to use a calculated field in a table ends with an error (see Screenhot here: http://prntscr.com/cxgbw8) in the formula: Invalid formular: Incorrect syntax near PERSISTED I´ve used this formular DateDiff(year, [@field:P_DOB], GetUTCDate() as it is shown in the help section (http://howto.caspio.com/faq/reports-datapages/calculated-fields-and-datediff-function/). Any ideas about my wrong usage? Thanks for your comments!
  12. Hello, I am quite new to Caspio and I am not sure if what I want to accomplish is possible. I have a table in which I want to add a new field/column. That new column is going to combine/concatenate few of the other columns in the same table, but I need to use an if logic to complete what I want. I did not see an IF option as a text formula. This is what I have written, but the formula is not correct:
  13. I'd like to set a default record limit of 1000 (or 999 if that's the limit) when I have user selectable enabled. Right now, it defaults to 25 and only lets users select up to 250. How can I change this?
  14. I'd like for file paths in my tabular report to be translated as links so that I can click them and see the related file. Is there a way to do this?
  15. I'm trying to enforce referential integrity with some tables in my app so that I can cascade update/delete records but I keep getting this error: The parent field is an autonumber and the related field is a unique integer. It's a one-to-one relationship with an inner join. Here's the relationship settings. Any ideas?
  16. I need help debugging a trigger. The whole trigger is very big because it's all the actions that need to happen when any data in the table is updated. Trying to avoid too much cascading. But here's what's relevant to my issue: So I have two tables, one for current notes and one for the history of all notes ever added to a job. In my job table, I have a Notes column and a New Notes column which is perpetually blank so that new notes can be added. What this trigger is supposed to do is insert the old note into my history table along with the Job ID and who submitted it. Then, the update should put the new note into the Notes column and empty out the New Notes column. What actually happens is the second part of the trigger works perfectly and adds the new note to the notes column but something goes awry with the first part and it adds 2 new rows to my history table with the note as completely blank and it also changes any pre-existing records with the same Job ID to be blank ???? I am at a loss. Please help!
  17. I'd like to change the height of my rows so that I can show more data on-screen at a time. Is this possible?
  18. Hi, I need to save history of changes of the fields in my table. For example, if a user changes his address I'd like to save his old address as well. Thanks in advance!
  19. i have changed / added / renamed fields in some tables. i have checked the views which use those tables, and have ensured that the changes are reflected in the view (e.g. ensured that 'include all fields' is checked). however, whenever i use a VIEW for a datapage, the 'datasource' fields that are available for record-level security or for lookup tables in dropdown elements show only the old fields and the old field names. the only way to see the correct fields is to use the table as the datasource, but of course that shouldn't be the case. all this is to say, it seems that dropdowns in datapages for lookup tables and record -level security are using cached versions of the original view/table. a screenshot is tough to pull off, but perhaps this example will help: current table fields: field ABC (originally named field AB) field XYZ (not originally in table or view) current view fields (match table, as expected): field ABC field XYZ fields available for dropdowns and record-level security in datapages (does not match table; unexpected behavior): field AB (not field ABC, and not field XYZ)
  20. What I need to do: I have a table with a large amount of data per record. When the user goes to make their daily task (a form that makes a new record) I need them to see the blank form that has yesterdays submission pre-populated in it. The user then merely has to make todays edits and save it. Parameters: 126 x 3 fields need to be brought over to the new daily form, 2 checkboxes and 1 255 Text field. Known Issues: there is a 32k limit on passing external parameters from one datapage to another. What I have tried: Made a Report Details page that can find yesterdays submission and load it all as HIDDEN, then set the fields I want to move to the next Datapage as OnExit Parameters. Current issue is I need to automate the UPDATE button on the report page so users don't have to hit it to continue to the actual submission form. Second issue is that if there is a LOT of entries in that particular record, it can exceed the 32k limit and then a lot of fields get dropped. I would appreciate any ideas on a better method or how to fix the issues.... Steve Fraden
  21. I recently set up a virtual field so that my search bar would search across multiple fields. Now, I want to add some drop down boxes to help eliminate some results. For instance, this database includes scholarship information for students. I want them to be able to type a keyword that will be searched across the entire table. Let's say they type "Astronaut." The Astronaut Scholarship will appear. But let's say this student is not a US Citizen and can't apply as a result. I want to insert a drop down box (which corresponds to a citizenship field I have in the table) that would search Astronaut across the entire table, but remove anything that didn't also meet the citizenship requirements. Is it possible to do this? The online chat support person said I would have to do a virtual field, but because I have a free account, couldn't give me more information (understandably).
  22. Hello, Is there a way to convert a view into a table? Thanks.
  23. I have two tables. In the top table I have data pulling in to the table using API calls. It currently pulls in the ID number of the location and not the locations Name. I would like the ID number to change to the store location name as soon as it hits the table using the bottom left table that shows the Store name and the ID associated with the name. The bottom right table shows what I would like is to have the top table Page_ID field to be replaced by the ID in the bottom table. The final result would be what the bottom right table would like like. I tried a trigger but I couldn't figure out how to make it work.
  24. Perzival

    MS Plugin

    I integrated my Access DB in Caspio. I'm having an error message that state "Profile is disabled" in my access Database. Can you help?
  25. Hi, I want to create a converter from decimal to HEX format. All the values are saved in the table. So the form should take the decimal number from the table field 1, convert and save the HEX value to field 2. I did not find any SQL solution. I would appreciate any ideas regarding the solution.
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