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JS to not include blank entries in notification email

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Just tried this and it worked:


document.getElementById("Submit").onmouseover = function(){
var fname= document.getElementById("InsertRecordFirst_Name").value;
var lname = document.getElementById("InsertRecordLast_Name").value;
var age = document.getElementById("InsertRecordAge").value;
var desc = document.getElementById("InsertRecordDescription2").value;
var email="";
if (fname){
email=email +"\n" + "First Name= " + fname; 
if (lname){
email=email +"\n" + "Last Name= " + lname ; 
if (age){
email=email +"\n" + "Age= " + age ; 

if (desc ){
email=email +"\n" + "Description= " + desc ; 
document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual1").value = email;

There are 4 fields to check and a virtual field which is being used as email body.

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I set it up but its returning BLANK emails, no fields included.

I added the Virtual Field:


I added the HTML block with the script (full script below)



Called the Virtual1 field into email notification body:


Completing forms (with some blanks), the notification email is completely empty when received.


Script used in HTML block:

document.getElementById("Submit").onmouseover = function(){
var Overnight= document.getElementById("InsertRecordOvernight").value;
var Tx = document.getElementById("InsertRecordTreated").value;
var No_tx = document.getElementById("InsertRecordReason_no_treat").value;
var NoTxO = document.getElementById("InsertRecordNo_tx_other").value;
var LVO = document.getElementById("InsertRecordLVO").value;
var Init = document.getElementById("InsertRecordPt_initials").value;
var Hosp = document.getElementById("InsertRecordHospital").value;
var HspO = document.getElementById("InsertRecordHosp_other").value;
var Age = document.getElementById("InsertRecordAge).value;
var Sex = document.getElementById("InsertRecordGender").value;
var LSN = document.getElementById("InsertRecordLSN_time").value;
var LSNtime = document.getElementById("InsertRecordSpecific_LSN").value;
var NIHSS = document.getElementById("InsertRecordNIHSS").value;
var Eval = document.getElementById("InsertRecordEval_method").value;
var Glu = document.getElementById("InsertRecordGlucose").value;
var Interv = document.getElementById("InsertRecordIntervention").value;
var DTG = document.getElementById("InsertRecordDTG_time").value;
var DTN = document.getElementById("InsertRecordDTN_time").value;
var Xfer = document.getElementById("InsertTransfer_UCMC").value;
var Enroll = document.getElementById("InsertRecordEnrolled").value;
var No_enroll = document.getElementById("InsertRecordReason_no_enroll").value;
var MD = document.getElementById("InsertRecordMD_initials").value;
var Comments = document.getElementById("InsertRecordComments").value;

var email="";
if (Overnight){
email=email +"\n" + "O/N= " + Overnight; 
if (Tx){
email=email +"\n" + "Tx= " + Tx; 
if (No_tx){
email=email +"\n" + "No_tx= " + No_tx; 

if (LVO){
email=email +"\n" + "LVO= " + LVO; 

if (Init){
email=email +"\n" + "Init= " + Init; 

if (Hosp){
email=email +"\n" + "Hosp= " + Hosp; 

if (HspO){
email=email +"\n" + "HspO= " + HspO; 

if (Age){
email=email +"\n" + "Age= " + Age; 

if (Race){
email=email +"\n" + "Race= " + Race; 

if (Sex){
email=email +"\n" + "Sex= " + Sex; 

if (LSN){
email=email +"\n" + "LSN= " + LSN; 

if (LSNtime){
email=email +"\n" + "LSNtime= " + LSNtime; 

if (NIHSS){
email=email +"\n" + "NIHSS= " + NIHSS; 

if (Eval){
email=email +"\n" + "Eval= " + Eval; 

if (Glu){
email=email +"\n" + "Glu= " + Glu; 

if (Interv){
email=email +"\n" + "Interv= " + Interv; 

if (DTG){
email=email +"\n" + "DTG= " + DTG; 

if (DTN){
email=email +"\n" + "DTN= " + DTN; 

if (Xfer){
email=email +"\n" + "Xfer= " + Xfer; 

if (Enroll){
email=email +"\n" + "Enroll= " + Enroll; 

if (No_enroll){
email=email +"\n" + "No_enroll= " + No_enroll; 

if (Trial){
email=email +"\n" + "Trial= " + Trial; 

if (MD){
email=email +"\n" + "MD= " + MD; 

if (Comments){
email=email +"\n" + "Comments= " + Comments; 

document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual1").value = email;

Probably missing something basic.

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Data not getting passed correctly.  Following the instructions I have:

New Text Field (64000) to receive the email body:


Does the Script go in Header?  In header I have your script ending in: 

document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual5").value = email;

New virtual and email field, hidden, receiving the Virtual5 script parameter: 



Im getting blank notification emails.


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