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HongTaiLang last won the day on August 26 2016

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  1. By the way, this method is not so perfect because it is hard to center the message. The form container size is dynamic. If the DataPage size is fixed with <div width = "****px"> in the Header, and </div> in the Footer. The style of the message can be set to the center.
  2. Hi, I could not find a standard setting for this. You can add id around paging message "Record %r of %t", add another message "Record 1 of 1" with a different id in the details page, use JS code to hide the "Record 1 of 1" message when default paging message displays, show the "Record 1 of 1" message when there is no default paging message. 1. Add id around paging message in the Localization <span id="paging">Record %r of %t</span> 2. Add another message "Record 1 of 1" with a different id in the details page. Hide the message as a default. For example: <div align="center" id ="pageNumber1" style="display:none;" class="cbFormNavigationCell cbFormNavigationMessage"> <span>Record 1 of 1 </span> </div> 3. JS code to display the previous message when id= "paging" id is not found. <script> if (!document.getElementById("paging")) { document.getElementById("pageNumber1").style.display = 'inline'; } </script>
  3. If the field is "Display Only", the value will be displayed around <span> tags. You can get the value by span tag and replace it. <script> var col = document.getElementsByTagName('span'); var x = col[1].innerHTML; // if the field is second "Display Only" field on that page col[1].innerHTML = x.slice(-4); </script>
  4. The parameter can be passed through URL. For example: www.site.com/page.html?parameter1=**** The value ***** can be received in a Caspio DataPage if the field receives value [@parameter1]. More details at: http://howto.caspio.com/parameters/receiving-parameters/
  5. It is a standard feature now. In a results page, the records can by sorted by any field in the table. You do not need to select the field to display it in the Wizard.
  6. Please try the following code in the footer of that DataPage: <script> function chk_fields(){ var chk1 = document.getElementById("InsertRecordFieldName1"); var chk2 = document.getElementById("InsertRecordFieldName2"); var chk3 = document.getElementById("InsertRecordFieldName3"); var chk4 = document.getElementById("InsertRecordFieldName4"); var chk5 = document.getElementById("InsertRecordFieldName5"); var chk6 = document.getElementById("InsertRecordFieldName6"); if ( chk1.checked == false && chk2.checked == false && chk3.checked == false && chk4.checked == false && chk5.checked == false && chk6.checked == false) { alert('check one checkbox'); return false; } } document.getElementById('caspioform').onsubmit=chk_fields; </script> Remember to replace the InsertRecordFieldNames.
  7. 1. Create a Virtual field, the destination can be redirected to the value of that Virtual field. 2. Use the following code in the Footer of your DataPages. The value of Virtual1 depends on the checkboxes : <script> function myFunction() { var x = document.getElementById("InsertRecordSearch1"); var y = document.getElementById("InsertRecordSearch2"); if ((x.checked == true) && (y.checked == false)){ document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual1").value = "http://www.google.com/";} else if ((x.checked == false) && (y.checked == true)){ document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual1").value = "http://www.yahoo.com/";} else if ((x.checked == false) && (y.checked == false)){ document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual1").value = "https://www.bings.com/";} else { document.getElementById("cbParamVirtual1").value = "https://www.home.com/";} } document.getElementById("caspioform").onsubmit=myFunction; </script> 3. You can configure what happens after the form is submitted. In the Destination and Triggers page, select Go to a new page as the destination and enter or insert the parameter name in Page URL which is [@Virtual1] in this case.
  8. Here are all the operations in Caspio Web Service API: http://bridge.caspio.net/ws/api.asmx You may use checkPassword operation. Please refer the Caspio Web Service API documentation - http://www.caspio.com/pdfs/Caspio-Bridge-Web-Service-API.pdf. You will also find code examples in this link - http://www.caspio.com/extend/platform-extensions/web-services.aspx
  9. Try the following code to get the day automatically if the date is selected from a submission form ======= Remember to change the element id "InsertRecordFieldNameofDate" and "InsertRecordFieldNameofDayName" <script> function myFunction() { var sub_date = document.getElementById("InsertRecordFieldNameofDate").value; var d = new Date(sub_date); var weekday=new Array(7); weekday[0]="Sunday"; weekday[1]="Monday"; weekday[2]="Tuesday"; weekday[3]="Wednesday"; weekday[4]="Thursday"; weekday[5]="Friday"; weekday[6]="Saturday"; var x = weekday[d.getDay()]; document.getElementById("InsertRecordFieldNameofDayName").value = x; } document.getElementById("InsertRecordFieldNameofDate").addEventListener("change", myFunction); </script>
  10. The image saved in the files Section is not possible accessed by public because Caspio account is secure. The public can only view the deployed DataPages. To get the URL of an image stored in Caspio, you have to create a DataPage which contains the file field in either results page or details page, and deploy the DataPage. It is not necessary to display the image in the Details page.
  11. DataPages is exported in compressed .ZIP archives (xml type). These DataPages can be imported into any Caspio Bridge account. It is internal use only, not readable. But the data (like table or view) is able to be exported in Microsoft Access, Excel, XML, or CSV.
  12. Non-geocoded addresses is accepted by Map Mashup Version 7. To use Pre-geocoded addresses is a recommendation, but not required. Geocoded addresses will be much faster for map loading.
  13. Yahoo shut down their map API support. You can try to use Map Mashup Version 7 http://howto.caspio.com/extensions/maps/map-mashup-instructions/map-mashup-version-7/
  14. The authenticated DataPages have been tested in Joomla with Flexi Custom Code plugin without any issue.
  15. Hi Walt, Both Embedded and iFrame deployment work fine in Joomla with Flexi Custom Code plugin. Please try to install Flexi Custom Code plug in Joomla. Hope this helps.
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