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rstglobal last won the day on November 18 2022

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  1. The question was answered via email but I post it here for everyone's future reference: Dear Graeme, Thank you for contacting Caspio Support. You are asking very good questions. 1. Updating field names in table is automatically reflected in DataPages as well, however there a few things to note when you change a field name in the table. • Field name in the table is different than the field label that you see in the DataPage (form and reports). Therefore if you change a field name in the table, the field label in DataPages remain unchanged. If you want to update the labels, you need to edit each DataPage and change the label in the Configure Fields wizard screen. • If you have used field parameters in the DataPage inside HTML blocks or Header/Footer or in JavaScript coding (if you have any) such as [@field: Course_name] then you will need to update those manually in each DataPage. 2. DataPage names could be updated as you wish. If you have references to the updated DataPage in other DataPages, the references will be updated automatically. 3. When you change data types you need to note a few things: • Changing data types may remove data if the data does not match the new data type. For example, if you change text255 to date/time, you need to make sure the data is in date format (mm/dd/yyyy). When you change the data type, system generates warning before performing the action, we recommend you read the warning details and take necessary action before confirming the update. • Changing data types also may remove the field from the DataPages; you will need to edit the DataPage and add the field back. If you change text255 to text64000, the field stays intact however from one type such as Text to another such as Number, will remove the field from DataPage. Regards, Caspio Support
  2. Can someone please advise me if there are any negative consequences if I change the field name in a table? Will this affect reports and break links and such or is Caspio clever enough to change all references to this? for instance I want to change the name RST_Hotel_Cost to RST_Hotel_Invoice. Additionally, if I change the name of a form to include frm_ or a report to rpt_ in front of the respective report/form will that cause me issues? Thanks.
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