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Caspio Ninja
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  1. Hello, It sounds like an enhancement to your current setup of collapsible sections. You will have to create more divs to wrap around the existing collapsible sections. I hope that helps.
  2. Another important point to note: the webpage on which the script is placed should be the same domain as specified in the iframe code src tag, in your case "URL.htm".
  3. Hello, I think I may have a script that will help you, place this script in the webpage or the DataPage where you have iframe: ================================= <head> <script> function iframeLoad(){ var iframe = document.getElementById("myFrame"); var x = 100; //This is padding of the iframe if there’s any var height = iframe.contentWindow.document.body.scrollHeight + x; iframe.style.height = height+"px"; } window.onload=iframeLoad; </script> </head> <body onload="iframeLoad()"> <iframe id="myFrame" src="URL.htm">Sorry, but your browser does not support frames.</iframe> </body> ================================= Basically within the body, you will need to place the iframe deployment code with the unique id for the iframe. I hope this helps. Thanks
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