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jhernandez last won the day on August 20 2017

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  1. I am not sure what you are looking for, but in the Swagger UI, you get some samples on how to access the view. If you scroll down to views, the endpoints are there.
  2. To further explain on this point, it would depend on how you have everything set. For example, if your table has three fields like Date, Time, Person, you can combined all these to be a unique formula field. So if Admin 1 books Client 1, let's say, 1/1/2018 at 9:00am with John, then when Admin 2 tries to book Client 2 at the same time, they will get an error because the new entry will attempt to create a duplicate record. Now, you have to think about your database critically and think of everything that a user can do to bypass your failsafe(s). For example, if Admin 2 decided to do 1/1/2018 at 9:01am with John then you have a totally new unique field with the added minute. You also have to be careful on your date/time fields since Caspio has options for Date and Date & Time. Date & Time fields are BAD for creating unique fields because they can track up to the second something is recorded.
  3. Hi! I may know where you are going with this, but i am having a hard time visualizing what you define as a "box" that auto sizes. Do you have an iframe, window, or webpage of a set width and height that needs to be resized? Usually pages will autosize for my lists with no problem.
  4. I would actually recommend you check what style your Datapage is using and then modify from there. I use Wordpress and never had this happen, but it could be something in your theme's code that can be affecting the your table. If the table displays properly in your preview via Caspio, this may be the case. There is a small chance your webpage is putting a border in each cell AND around the table itself, which sometimes makes it look like a thicker border than you intend depending on the theme
  5. It may be a setting with the chart itself than your data it seems, but I can't be sure since I've never seen anything like this. I suggest checking the style you are using for your charts too, and the chart setting in Datapage itself. There may be a setting that is asking how you'd like to display the units on the Y Axis. For example, instead of saying you want the unites to increase by one, Caspio may be trying to go in 0.5 intervals and then round up/down. Anyway, let me know if you can solve this one and I can try testing.
  6. Hello, We'll need to see how your source data looks like. In the most simple terms, the data table should be set to have one X value per each Y value. That or it's somehow rounding numbers down like 2 then 2.5 rounded down to 2.
  7. hm, is this not working when you try it within Caspio, or are you embedding the DataPage in website and it doesn't work then?
  8. I actually just learned a rustic way on how to do this. You will first need to set up your DataPage as a table (I haven't tested this for any other DataPage type, but the principle may be the same). Go through the whole set up, and once you arrive at the Configure Results Page Fields, add a Header and a Footer as DataPage Elements. Here is where it gets a bit tricky. Go to the Header and click on the "Source" button to add the following HTML code: <input id="myInput" onkeyup="myFunction()" placeholder="Carrier" type="text" /> <script> function myFunction() { var input, filter, table, tr, td, i; input = document.getElementById("myInput"); filter = input.value.toUpperCase(); table = document.getElementById("caspioform"); tr = table.getElementsByTagName("tr"); for (i = 0; i < tr.length; i++) { td = tr.getElementsByTagName("td")[0]; if (td) { if (td.innerHTML.toUpperCase().indexOf(filter) > -1) { tr.style.display = ""; } else { tr.style.display = "none"; } } } } </script> Click preview and the filter will only keep the text that matches what's in the input box no matter where the text actually resides. Do note this will only filter the FIRST column in the table. If you want to change the column that's being filter, change this line of code: td = tr.getElementsByTagName("td")[0]; (Change the [0] to the column where you want the filter to be applied; i.e. [0] is the first column, [1] is the second column, so on and so forth) Also note this will only work depending on how scripts are ran in the host page. The preview page runs the script just fine, but when you embed the the table in something like Wordpress, you will have to add the Script to Wordpress or this won't work. Some webpages don't let you run JS willy-nilly to prevent websites from crashing. Also note this is a basic filter that can only filter ONE column at a time. If you need multiple filters to work in tandem, this will not work for you. You can Copy/Paste the same script with some modification to sort different columns (you will have to change the myInput and myFunction in the new script to something like myInput1 and myFunction1), but like I said they will only work on the column you tell them to filter. I am a pleb when it comes to programming, but I am sure savvy people can work this if you need it. Thanks.
  9. I do a lot of this as well. The easiest solution I found would be to "date" all your source data with a corresponding year. If you export the data to Excel, add a new column called "Valuation Year" where you will store the year as a number. Then, for example, for records 1 - 10,000 add "2012" on the column, then records 10,001 to 20,000 would be "2013" so on and so forth. Once that's done you can re upload the table to Caspio. If your data already has a date identifier , you can add the the column to your View and go to "Criteria" and filter for the years you need. You need to be very careful here since you will need to add several "OR" properties to the logic. Performance wise, I don't know if there will be that much of an improvement, but I suppose you can try it yourself. My guess is the performance wouldn't be increased too much since the View is always pulling data from the source Tables. That said, actual performance depends how Caspio works behind the scenes: if it wants to filter first, then pull all the remaining rows from the sources, then performance should improve, but if it loads the source first and then runs the filters, performance wouldn't improve.
  10. Hello, I am trying to embed a chart in my website and it does it just fine, but for some reason the chart is making the page add "phantom" empty content outside the boundaries of the page. It's like the chart is making the page stretch to the right but without any actual content. With the chart in, the content itself looks fine and fitting, but it's like the webpage thinks the chart doesn't fit so it automatically add the scroll to right in the page. How do I fix this?
  11. Hi Mathilda, Problem with pivot tables is that they can't calculate ratios for aggregate numbers, at least not in a good way. As a simple example, lets say we have the following data: REGION A John: $10 earned, $5 Loss - 50% loss ratio Mary: $100 Earned, $1 Loss - 1% loss ratio Mark: $50 Earned, $15 loss - 30% loss Ratio. If I use a pivot table I can aggregate REGION A to $160 total earned and $21 total loss, but the ratio can only be SUM/AVERAGE/MAX/ETC and not calculated for the aggregate totals, which in this example would be $21/$160 = 13%. If I do a new aggregation as SUM, it will add each ratio to 81%, which is vastly wrong. A tabular sheet can actually do the proper calculation as a calculated field, but it shows all data points. So basically I want to do what the pivot table does as a data sheet OR have a pivot table do a calculation based on aggregates rather than individual data points.
  12. Hello, I have a tabular table with several fields. There are two that I really need: Our earnings and Our paid losses per company (basically incoming vs outgoing monies), plus one calculated field that takes the "ratio" of loss (losses/earnings). I've grouped all data by month per year (ex, Jan 20016, Feb 2016, etc.) to make thing much simpler to read and aggregated the earnings and losses. Since I have so much data, the individual earnings per company make the table rather large and separates them into several pages. What I need is to have the aggregate earning and losses plus the ratio per month per year only, I don't care about the individual companies that contributed to the aggregates. Basically I want to do the same thing an excel pivot table does when it aggregates number WITHOUT the need to show the individual numbers that make up the total. Does it make sense? Thank you,
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