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  1. Before we upgrade our site, I wanted to check to see if anyone has deployed on Wordpress 5.0. The plugin is only tested to 4.3 - and we're running fine on 4.9. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Clint
  2. Unfortunately I can't share the datapage because it's authenticated. I'm tracking with you on hidden elements. However, this is not an element. Caspio adds columns to tables when using an aggregate field. And, one cannot hide formula columns, which are required when loading in data via SQL for other calculations (except via CSS). Hiding columns via CSS works, as long as you don't mind the the extra aggregate columns showing (as in the original attached photo). Any other things to try? There must be a way to specify that column in that row...
  3. Thanks for the help. I gave that a shot and it did not work unfortunately. In fact, that change stopped it from working in Caspio's preview as well (both preview and deployed now have the extra aggregate fields). Any other tips? Thanks, Clint
  4. I'm struggling getting some CSS correct in a tabular datapage and could use some help. Aggregate rows do not respond to hiding columns in the same way that data rows do when deployed. (See screenshots) In this example, I'm trying to hide three extra cells in the aggregate row. When I preview the datapage it works. When I deploy the datapage, it does not. Note that the first 4 sets of table selectors all work. Here's the CSS in my header element: <style> <!-- WORKS: --> #dashtable table:nth-of-type(1) td:nth-of-type(9) {display: none;} #dashtable table:nth-of-type(1) th:nth-of-type(9) {display: none;} #dashtable table:nth-of-type(1) td:nth-of-type(7) {display: none;} #dashtable table:nth-of-type(1) th:nth-of-type(7) {display: none;} #dashtable table:nth-of-type(1) td:nth-of-type(8) {display: none;} #dashtable table:nth-of-type(1) th:nth-of-type(8) {display: none;} #dashtable table:nth-of-type(1) td:nth-of-type(6) {text-align:center;} #dashtable table:nth-of-type(1) th:nth-of-type(6) {text-align:center;} <!-- PREVIEW WORKS, DOES NOT WORK WHEN DEPLOYED: --> #dashtable .cbResultSetTotalsDataCell {display:none;} </style> <div id="dashtable"> (closing "div" is in footer element. ) Thoughts?
  5. Thanks vitalikssssss - I haven't done anything with REST before, and am stuck with how to begin implementing it. Do you know if any starter template/files that Caspio may have for those of us learning how to A: use REST and B: use REST to get records in JSON. I've gone through the help documentation and for some reason get lost. The problem when your lost is you don't know which trail to take to get back on track. I feel like I'm missing the "you are here" sign on the map.
  6. I'm sorry for what is probably a simple question. If I want to use data from a view (ideally - or a table if I had to), making it accessible to a javascript charting library (like d3.js) , how do I export it (or make it real-time accessible) as a json file without jumping through a bunch of hoops? For some reason I'm not making the connection... Thanks so much! Clint
  7. Well - I realized I can use Excel's "Find and Replace" feature to accomplish this in essentially a couple clicks. If there's a simple Caspio solution - I'm all game to check it out. Otherwise, Find and Replace works. Clint
  8. I'm asking to hopefully save time later. (Note that I don't need this for application functionality - just for a final downloaded file.) I need to end up with an excel file that has no null fields - they need to be converted to "0". Is it possible to download a table as a csv/xls file and convert simultaneously? Or have that happen during a scheduled task export? Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  9. Thanks Mathilda. I need to sort by date. (But show an Title of an event that happened on the date - not the date... while graphing aggregated responses. Unfortunately I can only show date OR title - which doesn't allow me to view changes over time while simultaneously understanding context. ) Make sense? (I always appreciate your input/advice) Clint
  10. Is it possible to change the sort order of a Y Axis of a chart (combination, bar etc) where one could use a Title field for display, but use the Date field for sort order? Thanks! Clint
  11. I have a long search form with a number of optional checkboxes that are necessary when needed, but infrequently used. Is there a way I can place an additional search button at the top of the page so users don't have to scroll to the bottom to perform a search? Thanks!
  12. Likewise - Wendell, what was the solution? Thanks! Clint
  13. I need to display a link after a certain time/date (essentially "now" compared to the date entered in the record) in a table. (IF date.table IS AFTER NOW then show this link: http:...) Using rules and sections seems to make the most sense, except I can't figure out the criteria settings. : Condition, Operator, Value. If it's possible to do this right in the HTML/JS, that's cool too. (the script checks to see if someone has completed the form, and displays one of two different links) <script> if ('[@field:connect_PIF_ER_eval_complete]'.length<3) { document.write('<a href="https://www.seaetc.com/participant-dashboard/event-evaluation/?ER_ID=[@field:ER_Events_1_ER_ID]&Ev_Type=[@field:ER_Events_1_Event_Type]&join_ID=[@calcfield:1]" class="et_pb_button_caspio_compeval">Complete Evaluation</a>'); } else { document.write('<a href="../participant_certificate.php?fn=[@authfield:First_Name]&ln=[@authfield:Last_Name]&cred=[@authfield:Credentials]&er=[@field:ER_Events_1_Title]&date=[@field:ER_Events_1_ER3*]&ce=[@field:ER_Events_1_ER17_Total]" target="_blank" class="et_pb_button_caspio_viewcert">View Certificate</a>'); } </script> thx!
  14. I have a working conditional statement using SQL. However, the output (following the "then" statement outputs plain text. Does anyone know how to force it to be formatted as a clickable link? Here's the full statement: CASE WHEN [@field:connect_PIF_ER_eval_complete]='' then '<a href="participant_evaluation.html?ER_ID=[@field:ER_Events_1_ER_ID]&Ev_Type=[@field:ER_Events_1_Event_Type]">Evaluation</a>' ELSE 'Evaluation Completed' END I'm sure it's obvious, I'm just not sure what needs to surround the href tag. Thanks!
  15. Thanks Mathilda - I completely get the query string method. However, we have about 100 parameters that would need to be passed. (out of my control unfortunately). I can't seem to get the auto submit method to work, but I'll keep playing with that to make it work. (I think the problem is that my details html page, where I want to place the button, has multiple datapages deployed.) Are there any other solutions that you're aware of?
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