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  1. Thank you @MayMusic! I really appreciate your expertise and time. Helps me to learn what is possible to do in Caspio.
  2. Thank you BaySunshine for your response and suggested edits! That was a big help in understanding what is probably obvious to some folks but not me. J
  3. I am seeking assistance for the correct syntax to test that a record exists in a child table (table name is Evaluation) and display a "Yes" in a calculated field (Link Test calculated field in image) on a dp for the parent table. I have very little SQL knowledge. Current SQL syntax that works but is probably incorrect: SELECT 'Yes' FROM Evaluation WHERE EXISTS (SELECT ManagingArea FROM Evaluation WHERE ManagingArea = '[@authfield:Evaluators_ManagingArea]' and NTAID = [@field:NTABase_NTAID]) Use case: 800 proposals, 30+ reviewers, I am creating a dashboard that indicates to a reviewer if they have or have not reviewed (child table) a proposal (parent table). Unique identifies are: [@field:NTAID] in the parent table, [@field:NTAID] and [@Managing Area] in the child table. A view with the parent and child does not work as either inner join (all 800 proposals need to display) or left join because duplicates occur as soon as a proposal has more than 1 review, which is appropriate and expected. Solution is a dp of the parent table only and use a calculated field to verify if a review exists in the child table. I searched high and low on the web and the Caspio forums for similar syntax without luck. Suggestions for a more appropriate approach are welcomed! thank you Forum folks for your time!
  4. Hello, Issue: My trigger action is not processing the Having statement in the Where clause. I barely know SQL and while the 30 minute Caspio webinar on Trigger Actions was helpful, the action I am attempting was not covered. I have a parent table and a child table, their common field is NTAID. I am trying to use a trigger action on Inserted/Updated/Deleted to quantify the number of records in the child table for the NTAID and assign a category to each parent record. The purpose of the categories is I need to use the field in the parent record to create filter views of the parent table for another data page. Some portions of my Update trigger actions work - I have four Updates. The Update for categorizing "Regional" is not occurring under any circumstances, and "Local" categorization is occurring even if the Count in the Having clause exceeds the limitation. I reversed the order of these two Updates and that did not alter the outcome. The other two updates run flawlessly. I appreciate any assistance in the proper set-up of these trigger actions. Thank you!
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