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  1. Hi, Just wanna share this script I made that changes the background color of each record in a Gallery Report DataPage when clicking the button. For the button: <button onclick="RandomColor()">Try it</button> For the function that's responsible for changing the colors (For this one, there is no fixed set of color because this makes use of randomizers for setting the color code, so all colors possible can show up): <script> function RandomColor() { var x = document.querySelector("section[class*='cbColumnarReport cbReportSection']"); x.querySelectorAll('div > div:nth-child(1)').forEach(e => e.style.backgroundColor = '#' + ('0'+(Math.random()*255|0).toString(16)).slice(-2) + ('0'+(Math.random()*255|0).toString(16)).slice(-2) + ('0'+(Math.random()*255|0).toString(16)).slice(-2)) } </script> Sample DP: https://c1hch576.caspio.com/dp/db26a00071c83c69ac9947d1bfd9 Alternatively, if you only wish to have a predefined set of colors to choose from, you can use this (simply change the colors in the array to your liking): <script> var colors = ["red", "blue", "green","orange","yellow","violet","lightblue","cyan","magenta"]; function RandomColor() { var x = document.querySelector("section[class*='cbColumnarReport cbReportSection']"); x.querySelectorAll('div > div:nth-child(1)').forEach(e => e.style.backgroundColor = colors[Math.floor(Math.random() * colors.length)]) } </script> Sample DP: https://c1hch576.caspio.com/dp/db26a000574d59f66468479b955a Hope this helps!
  2. I am attempting to change the background color in a report search results page using an IF function. I tried to use the following code but for some reason it does not work. I am sort of new at this so I may just be missing something obvious but I cannot find it. <script> var isi = document.getElementById("visi[@field:id#]"); if ([@calcfield:1#] > 6){isi.parentNode.parentNode.style.backgroundColor = '#58ff33';} else if([@calcfield:1#] <= 6 && [@calcfield:1#] >= 4){isi.parentNode.parentNode.style.backgroundColor = '#ffac33';} else if([@calcfield:1#] < 4){isi.parentNode.parentNode.style.backgroundColor = '#ff3b33';} </script>
  3. I'd like to have a colored table that can highlight past due items. This is the code I have in an HTML block that highlights the row of past due dates and turns the font color red. <div id="visi[@field:lines_Line_Number]">[@field:dates_Customer_Expected_Date*]</div> <script> var isi = document.getElementById("visi[@field:lines_Line_Number]"); if('[@field:dates_Customer_Expected_Date*]' < '[@cbTimestamp*]'){ isi.parentNode.parentNode.style.backgroundColor = 'yellow'; //background color isi.style.color="red"; //font color } else{ isi.parentNode.parentNode.style.backgroundColor = '#NoColor'; } </script> Meanwhile, this is part of the color I have in my header that turns the column headers and background different colors. style type="text/css">[class*=cbResultSetHeaderCell]:nth-child(1) { background: #3377FF !important; } td[class*="cbResultSetData"]:nth-of-type(1){ background-color: #4D88FF !important; } [class*=cbResultSetHeaderCell]:nth-child(2) { background: #1966FF !important; } td[class*="cbResultSetData"]:nth-of-type(2){ background-color: #3377FF !important; } [class*=cbResultSetHeaderCell]:nth-child(3) { background: #0055FF !important; } td[class*="cbResultSetData"]:nth-of-type(3){ background-color: #1966FF !important; } [class*=cbResultSetHeaderCell]:nth-child(4) { background: #cc0000 !important; } td[class*="cbResultSetData"]:nth-of-type(4){ background-color: #E60000 !important; } [class*=cbResultSetHeaderCell]:nth-child(5) { background: #cc0000 !important; } Here is the result of this code: Clearly, the highlight works as it applies to uncolored columns. How do I alter the code so that the highlight is prioritized and will override any existing color?
  4. Hello, I have a Submission form and want to change the background of the cell when the user changes or enters the values. For example, here is the initial view: Once the data is entered, the background is changed: How this is possible?
  5. Hi, I'm trying to change the background color of the wider datapage via Styles, meaning the white space that is 'around' the data table and also the Search and Details forms when they're opened. I've been looking in the Source of Styles in various places but can't figure out what the overall datapage background is called so I can change the color. If anyone can point this out that'd be very helpful!
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