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  1. My users upload PDF files. When needed, they would like to view these files later as embeded documents within a datapage. The following shows how to embed pdfs, but only pdf NOT stored on the caspio database? http://howto.caspio.com/tech-tips/tech-tip-embed-documents-in-datapages.html Thanks for the help.
  2. I'm building a Squarespace site and was all excited when I found that Caspio offered a way to implement a simple database search. Signed up, and in 15 minutes had a working search. Super awesome so far. In the Squarespace editor, you add the embed code in a "code block" on the page. Yesterday, once I had done that, the editor (or the javascript code referenced in the embed code) seemed to recognize I was looking at the page through the Squarespace editor and did not show the form, instead displaying a message about being in edit mode and so forth. That was just fine, as the site worked as expected. This morning, I suddenly cannot edit that page in the editor. The normal hover options to edit simply don't appear. Other pages on the site act normally. Also, the search form no longer has the message about being unavailable in edit mode, but instead shows the actual search form. The only thing I can think of is that I started messing with the styles for the form and results on the Caspio side, but I haven't found a way to get it to work again. Has anyone seen this before?
  3. I built a page a couple of years ago with a search form that passes parameters to multiple datapages, all deployed / embedded on a squarespace site. Now no parameters are being passed. Squarespace of course offers no support but Caspio says that this is due to Squarespace recently switching to iFrame, which doesn't allow parameters to be passed. Has anyone else experienced this issue? Is there an alternative method to deploying on squarespace, or an alternative site that is much better for this type of deployment? Caspio recommended Weebly, but Weebly appeared to be a total disaster and showed duplicates of each datapage, and then went crazy and all the datapages disappeared. I'd think that there'd be a simple solution to this, or that this would be an existing issue on the forums, but maybe there is a simple solution. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  4. I have a data page embedded in a stand alone web page. I want to pull the info for my logged in user and show that data in a part of my web page outside of caspio. Does anyone know how I can achieve this?
  5. I have a website where I continuously load articles into the browser as the user scrolls down the page. If the user places a Caspio embed in the first article, this will get loaded in on page load, and works great. But any articles that are dynamically created using JavaScript that try to embed Caspio within it don't populate. I am guessing this is because the script for Caspio has already run, and would need to be run again to populate the new instance. I followed the instructions to embed into articles. Is there anything in the API that can be called to refresh all Caspio instances on the page, or is this not possible?
  6. I have been able to embed the code for a caspio.com database into my Weebly website, except the images did not come with it. Like this is a caspio.com settings issue which I will ask there about. But in case someone on Weebly knows about this issue let me know.
  7. Hi, I used two forum articles to get pretty far in fixing what Facebook sees on a details page that Caspio creates. Could you help me fix this so that specific product details are shown in the Facebook URL preview? I added a script based on Jan's suggestions in these articles and I need help to correct the javascript. http://forums.caspio.com/index.php/topic/4148-fieldsparameters-in-browser-tabs/?hl=%2Bpage+%2Btitle http://forums.caspio.com/index.php/topic/4297-facebook-open-graph-meta-tags/?hl=facebook When I add a caspio-related details page URL into a Facebook status, it automatically puts gobbledy gook instead of the content that I am trying to specify with OG code. Shown here: http://prntscr.com/5jxrw9 Page title Click here to load this Caspio online database. Click here to load this Caspio online database. Click here to load this Caspio online database. Click here to load this Caspio online database. Click here to load this Caspio online database. Click here to load this Caspio online database. From what I can tell, this is because of the embedded code when I use the Wordpress Caspio plugin. It looks like one of the problems is that Facebook believes it knows my canonical URL and is not looking at the product ID parameter to see what OG data is there. I want the data to be specific to each product page and not be generic. Here is what I put in the Header data page element. How can this be fixed? I don't see how to modify the Facebook OG code to conform to Jan's javascript provided. (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/payments/product) <style type="text/css"> #Mod0EditRecord, #Mod0CancelRecord{ display: none; } </style> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> window.onload= function() { document.title ="[@field:product_NAME] | [@field:product_MANUFACTURERorig] | Adjectivs"; head prefix= "og: fb: product: http://ogp.me/ns/product#" og:title ="[@field:product_NAME] | [@fild:product_MANUFACTURERorig] | Adjectivs"; og:type ="product"; fb:app_id ="259344627418443": og:url ="http://adjectivs.com/product-details-caspio/?product_Product_UID=[@field:product_Product_UID] />; og:image ="[@field:product_IMAGEURL]"; } </SCRIPT>
  8. Hi, I currently deploy my datapage directly from caspio. I use the following code for a floatbar that holds information at the top of the page (when user scrolls info and buttons stay at the top of the page like a toolbar). <span class="cbFloatBarText"><div id="float_bar">Patient:[@field:Patient_Registration_First_Name] [@field:Patient_Registration_Last_Name]</div></span> I am starting to migrate from deploying directly from caspio to deploying via embedding the datapage in my website. However, when I embed, the floatbar doesn't work. The floatbar contents simply show up at the top of my datapage, not the top of the screen. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  9. I'm and excel guy looking for a simple solution to publish excel data to a Joomla website. Don't know much about databases or html. I have 1 basic excel file, 10 columns and 500 rows. Column 10 is my "filter" and contains 10 different groups for the data. I also want to have different cell background colors based on the values in the cell (either replicate from excel sheet, or ability to set criteria with Caspio bridge). My goal is to embed code on 10 different web pages, each page would display 1 of the groups. Data is updated monthly, was looking for a solution where I could just upload a new source and it would refresh my web pages. Caspio looks incredibly powerful, but it also looks complex. Newbie looking for help - tutorials or resources or advice on simple excel web display. Thanks, Anthony
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