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Found 20 results

  1. How can I hide some columns in tabular report without having extra spaces? I have some calculated field which I need to hide.
  2. Hi I was wondering if there is a way to show default image in the HTML block if there is no available image in a report. I know there is a default image option for the image field but I don't want to it for this one as I am using CSS to design the results in my report. Any ideas anyone?
  3. Is there a way to set a specific style for the login/authentication screen? Andrew
  4. Hello, In localization, I could not find anything to change the text for file field. For an example, how to change the text for "Choose File" and "No File Chosen"?
  5. I want to change the layout of my pivot table. Right now it looks like the column headers are aligned to the left while the data fields are aligned to the right, which looks bad. how can I change this?
  6. I'd like to make the format of my list report look nicer, how can I do this? Specifically, I'd like to be able to highlight every other row of data (not data cell) and align the labels and the data so that they are directly underneath each other. Edit: Additionally, it would be nice if I could have conditional formatting on the data so that if it is below the goal, the text turns red and if it's at or above the goal the text turns green. The data cells are using calculated fields. Is there a way I can do this conditional formatting in an HTML block that references the calculated field?
  7. Hi Is there a way of modifying data labels in a pie chart? I want to have a red glow on the text 2 and 4 or change font size.
  8. I have submission form and when i put label position = left. the field/form element (could be a textfield, dropdown etc) will appear to the far right. Example: Expected result I am looking for Brand Type: <text field> What I see on caspio form Brand Type: <text field> How do I reduce the spacing between label and form element? I don't know where in the style is controlling the spacing. I need the table or container to be 100% as my page is suppose to be responsive page. Can anyone help?
  9. I created a new Style and applied it in my submission form DataPage, However, the label for required fields are not in bold compared to other labels. Where can I configure this in Style? Thank you.
  10. Where can I change the color of the label of HTML Block in results page of tabular report?
  11. Hi, Does anyone know how to restrict/set the width of the payment fields (credit card, expiration date, and security code) for Stripe Payment Integration? I've tried the normal way in the datapage (pixels, characters, %) but it doesn't seem to affect it at all. I've also put in a width:200px; in the Style Form Fields Source section at the bottom where there's a listing for payment fields but it still doesn't affect it. There must be a different place to enter a fixed width for payment fields. If anyone knows that'd be great- thanks!
  12. Hi there, I would appreciate if someone could help me modifying styles of a dropdown on inline insert functionality of Tabular Report Datapage. I have a Cascading dropdown "EMAIL" where I would like to assign a special font and add a bottom border for each option. The challenge I am facing is that I have other dropdowns on this Datapage and I would like them to preserve default styling. Thanks, vitalikssssss
  13. Hello, I am creating a calendar data page in the "monthly" view. There are often weeks where there are no events, but aesthetically, I think it looks odd if these weeks are collapsed to be much smaller than the weeks that contain events. I changed padding = 20px in the ResultSetCalendarField element to make the empty rows slightly larger (see below). But this element also affects rows with events, so the discrepancy is still large (see screen shot). Is there any element to change that would make the default size of these empty cells larger? .cbResultSetCalendarField { /*Results Page Calendar Data Attributes*/ text-align: right; padding: 20px; color: #555555; font-size: 11px; font-family: 'Roboto', Arial, sans-serif; font-weight: 400; }
  14. On my data page, my label and field are not lined up. Please see the below. I've played around with the padding under the layout section but I still cant figure it out. Thanks! Happy Holidays.
  15. When I preview my forms, they look fine, but when embedded, the items inside dropdowns or listboxes look empty. There are still checkboxes and when the form is submitted the selected items do appear so this seems to be a display issue that my "wrapper" for Caspio (Webflow) is causing. The other text and input look fine. What CSS do I need to add/change to make them appear again? I tried adding an "Item" class with black text but that didn't do anything... URL: where you can see the issue: https://www.mage.town/add/company Thx!
  16. Hi, I want to use the CASPIO styles on my wordpress site. The wordpress site comes with a pre-installed theme and has extensive CSS styles that are applied. Is there a way to force the CASPIO styles to be applied to my website and ignore the wordpress theme CSS. It seems like this should be relatively straightforward and many users have reported similar problems but i've not found a workable solution other than changing the original CSS file in the wordpress site. I've been editing this for weeks and everytime I edit one thing something else on the site breaks. It would be much simpler if I could just apply the CSS code for the CASPIO part of the site to the CASPIO elements and the other parts of the site would still use the wordpress CSS. Iframes are not an option as I am passing parameters. I've tried reseting styles in both wordpress and CASPIO and applying the CSS to each page of the wordpress site and to the header of the data page in CASPIO using these and similar reset styles http://html5doctor.com/html-5-reset-stylesheet/. I've used the !important parameter as well and this has had no effect. Please help! Scott
  17. I've been customizing my default stylesheet for accessibility. I've modified my buttons so that they're very readable on desktops using all browsers I've tried. But when I load my forms from my phone, the buttons take on a weird gradient that gives a rounded appearance to the button. This is not what I want, as it's much less legible. Anyone know how to turn off this default for mobile devices ... or at least where the style is coming from? I don't see it anywhere in my CSS. Thanks!
  18. Does anyone know how to change the alignment in a Style so a Group 1 header is centered instead of left aligned. I also need to have the data below it pushed to the left with less padding- the padding takes too much space when there's a lot of data to show on a report. I've attached an example with some arrows as to what I'm trying to do. I've looked in the Styles code sections but can't figure out how to do this. Any help would be really appreciated- thanks.
  19. Hello, This is not a question, but some may find this info useful. If you are using an external stylesheet, be sure to load your Caspio javascript prior to the linked CSS file. The script should come before <script type="text/javascript" src="https://**.caspio.com/scripts/e1.js"></script> the stylesheet <link href="style/sk.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
  20. Hello, I have a data submission form embedded in a website. The form has a white border around it. I have set the outer border to none, but still there is this white border. I don't seem to be able to control any of it: thickness, margin between text and border etc... Does anyone know how to control it? Thanks, Julien
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