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  1. As of this morning, all our authentications don't work rendering our entire website unusable. I know there were some roll outs on updates but at this point I can not pin point where the problem is because nothing was changed on our end. Can someone please enlighten me as to what happened? Or what rolled out 3/3/2016?
  2. So I move everything to the authentication field and I'm still having a couple issues with it loading the search defaults. The checkbox fields dont have the option of a authentication on load...can I get away with [@authfield:Loan_Amount_Pref]? Also, even though I'm On loading the drop down menus from the auth fields, it is still not loading it. If I make changes to the search form real time it works fine but it is not loading the preferences from the table
  3. Dang, I was hoping to avoid clogging up my auth table. It is what it is I guess.
  4. Hi, I have a small problem and I think I am too close to the problem to figure it out anymore. I used the Caspio help file to create a same page search submission form with the virtual fields. The search functionality works, however i have a separate form that pulls from a User_Search_Preference table that the user sets. I am trying to load the preferences when the search form loads (e.g. Drop down of fruit but they selected Apple in their search preference) I need to load Apple as the default on load value. The problem is in On Load there is no default value option, it is either external, auth, or system. How can I prepopulate my search options from the Search_Pref table?
  5. For those interested in how I worked around this. With help, I created a cascading text field hidden from view that would populate from the table in a visible search field. If the data existed I would alert onsubmit. Otherwise, it didn't exist and move forward as new user.
  6. That would work normally, however in my case, the table itself is allowed multiple email addresses, but for that one particular form I want them to have a unique address. Once the form is submitted, I create an account for them where they can fill out another form that writes to the same table. However, I dont want multiple accounts. Basically, its a 'is username available' check.
  7. Hi, I have a basic submission form with an email address field. My goal is when the email field is filled out, it will check whether it exists in the table. If it exists then it will not allow the submission to happen because they already have an account. It can be either on the click of submission or onchange in the email field, both ways work for this situation. Thanks.
  8. Hi Jan, sorry for the delay in getting back to you. Yes, that's exactly what I wanted to do.
  9. I'm not sure how to do this but my hope is Table A has Item A and I want to delete it from Table A and add it into Table B but I'm not sure how to go about it, do I javascript/sql it or is there another way?
  10. Thank you for the answer. I think that will work for some of the applications I want to set up.
  11. I saw the how to on sticky navigation for links. What I would love to do is make the search/results website page partly sticky. For example, the search form is sticky and as they scroll down the results page, the search datapage scrolls with it. Can this be done with Caspio or should I target the front end (squarespace) on making it happen?
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