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  1. I would appreciate any assistance with script to provide the following functionality? I want to dynamically update the pre-defined filter criteria for a search a report data page using the value in a field called Job number in the details section of another data page. These two data pages are published together on a single web page. I would like the criteria to update dynamically & refresh the page as I navigate from one record to the next on the reference data page. Is this possible? I know I can use a query string to pass criteria to more than one data page but I would prefer the workflow I have described above.
  2. I would like to use information from any particular selected record as template information like copy/paste to create a complete new record. This will streamline workflow when many similar records need to be created. I do not however wish to accidentally update the original record. I would like assistance if possible with Javascript that would disable the update button on the details section of the original record search & report data page if the user accidentally edits any information. The moment any edit changes occur on the original record, the Update button should be disabled.
  3. Apologies for only responding now. I have managed to find a solution for this issue. I searched the forum posts & came across a post with suitable JS. Thank you for your interest however.
  4. I would like to conditionally disable the "Submit" function of a submission data page until value entered into the "Odometer reading" field exceeds the value in the "Odometer reading of previous refill" field. Any assistance with custom script for this would be highly appreciated?
  5. I have a tabular web form that provides a results page table with a collapsible group. The group collapses & expands on demand as expected on the results page but the PDF generator prints the group in the expanded format only. I want the PDF generator to mimic the results page group setting for collapse/expand if possible. Caspio support have advised that this is considered to be custom code. I am using the results page field for the PDF generator & was expecting the PDF output to be the same as the results page output. I have attached print screen examples of the collapsed result page & expanded PDF versions for clarity.
  6. Thanks Meekeee I had the add-on activated the moment it was announced. I am VERY happy that Caspio made this updated functionality available & it has already made a huge improvement. Much more user friendly also.
  7. Thank for the advice Vitalikssssss My details page is not tabular. I'm not sure if that makes a difference but when trying to add a rule the virtual field is available but for some reason the calculated field in the table is not. I also tried to create a calculated field on the details page but it still does not show up on the rules field picker.
  8. Thanks LunaLovegood. Will definitely give it a try. Very glad for the latest update.
  9. I have a details data page form on which records can be edited & updated. I would like to allow editing for all records not older than 2 days & then make the data page view only for records older than that. Can someone assist with a method of achieving this?
  10. Thank you for the referral MayMusic. I have seen this post & tried the two or three methods listed for PDF printing. The pdfcrowd code doesn't work because the datapage is password protected. The other codes shown work to some degree but are more for single page documents & we need a multipage solution. The final result is also very rough, more like a screen capture printout than a proper PDF. Maybe I am missing something but nothing on this post looks like it will offer what we need. Your kind advice is appreciated nevertheless. I have had quite a long discussion with Caspio support in this regard. They have advised that at this stage our options are either to try to find an external code or PDF merge solution or upgrade to the performance package. The other option is for Caspio projects to develop our PDF documents but the charges for this are considerable, ongoing & in our case unfeasible as we plan to have many PDF reports for various inspections/certifications etc. We have looked at Webmerge as an alternative but this appears to be cumbersome & requires yet another service provider such as Zapier to push the data to the PDF generator. Really stuck here. No PDF/print functionality included in the Professional package at this stage.
  11. Very much in the same boat here. Did you perhaps find a solution that you would be willing to share?
  12. I am aware of other posts in Ideabox where users have long since been requesting a way for non-corporate account members to be able to print out or output a PDF version of multipage reports. I have been searching for a way of doing this & cannot find anything. There may be a way of doing this using code but I am using Caspio primarily because I do not know code. I suppose usability of Caspio without this feature may be OK for some but I cannot see any point without being able to print out all the captured data or at least mail PDF reports when needed. The step up to Corporate account package is more than threefold. This is a barrier to further development in my case.
  13. I have a form with the following fields which I would like to add a formula field to. This formula would be based on three fields: ([@a1_SUPPLIER_PRICE_PART_1]*(1+([@a1__MARK_UP_PART_1]/100)))*[@a1_PART_AMOUNT_1] Basically: Cost price + mark-up x qty.=sub total I have a total of 30 of these lines to calculate on a submission datapage. I contacted Caspio support who referred me more that once to the examples provided above as solutions. I have tried them but I have zero coding knowledge & even after changing the field names as I though necessary, could not get them to work. I would really appreciate any assistance with this problem.
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