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  1. Hi, I have a few tables: - users - employee - projects - employee per project the user selects a project from the project database, then selects (an) employee(s) and both data is merged in an html report datapage called “contract”. this works fine. However, the “contract” html datapage is the same for all users. And that is the problem. I would like my users to be able to use their own format to assemble/make the contract per project/employee. how can i make caspio so that each user can either use the standard contract or his own contract? i hope there is someone out there who can help me? thanks for helping me!! Jean-Pierre
  2. Hi, Hope you can help me. My problem; I have a database with contracts. On those contracts work a lot of employees (1--15 per project) Now i would like to make a report where the user can select the contract and the employee and combine those data. The report that i then get is a contract with the specific data from the employee involved. I can then print it and have it signed by the employee ! Can you help me to combine the data from the contracts en employee data ? Thank you very much! Jean-Pierre Damme
  3. Hi, i hope you can help me with the following: My user can create a details report. Based on a table called “zzp”. He chooses the right person from the table and then the detail report is generated. So far so good. Now, i would like this report to be save as a doc with the record of the right person that my user choos to generate thecdetails report. how can i acchieve saving the report as a doc at the right record? hop someone can help me.. thanks ! Jean-Pierre
  4. Hi, my customers can login to my app. They can put data in through a submission form, this is data of their customers! now, my customers should be able to generate a contract based on the data they put in the system. The contract should be a page/report with a lot of standard texts. Next to the standard text, at some points in the contract, the data is needed that my customer has put in the app. i hav a few tables with data that i want to use to make a nice contract for my customer. However, i would also like to have some standard texts in the contract. Is it possible to make a contract in caspio using the report function? If not, how should i then go about this? thanks for your reply in advance! jean-Pierre Damme
  5. Hi, I want to make an application where multiple customers of me can login. If they login, they should only becable to see their own customers details and not customer details from other customers of me. Example; customer 1 logs in and sees the data of his customers. He can addnew customers, change and delete existing customers. Customer 2 logs in and sees the data of only customers of customer 2. How should i go about this? thanks in advance, Jean-Pierre
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