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  1. I'm building a CRM for my agency. We sell multiple product types, each of which will have different relevant information. For example, life products. Term Life will need a field for how long the term is for where as Final Expense there is no term length. What I'd like to do is have a table that stores ALL policy types. However, when looking at the details of a policy, I want to hide irrelevant fields (determined by whether or not the field is blank). I tried doing this using a rule, however when choosing the field to base the rule on, that field disappears as an option to perform an action on. When "Field A" is blank , Hide "Field A" is not an option. This is important because I want to be able to display ALL policies per client, and given our product mix, that could be as many as 5. Is there a work around? Or am I going to have to create separate tables per policy type? If the latter, how would I combine the client table to the various policy tables in order to create a view that displays all policies per client? From what I can tell, I can only pair two tables at a time.
  2. I am trying to create a simple solution for finding a commission percentage based on the contract levels of a given agent. I could do a lookup table per insurance carrier, but here's how that would potentially look. Carrier=Aetna Products=6 Contract Levels= 10 Plan Types = 20 All offered in 50 states with varying commission amounts per state. This one lookup table would have over 60,000 rows! Now multiply that by all the various insurance carriers and you see the conundrum. There has to be an easier way to look up these values in a table than this. For those familiar with Excel, I originally did it in there using an INDEX(MATCH()MATCH()) formula on a pivot table. This greatly reduced the amount of cells needed. But there doesn't seem to be a way to replicate this method on Caspio. Any idea would be greatly appreciated.
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