Source table BEFORE edit is:
Target table BEFORE edit is:
Upon ANY change to tbl_Source, I want to delete all records from tbl_Target and rebuild to reflect the records in tbl_Source. Triggered action is:
(As you can see, this simply "unpivots" columns in tbl_Source to rows in tbl_Target.)
I then modify a record in tbl_Source as follows (added 100 to each Account 2 field).
The resulting tbl_Target does NOT reflect the edit:
I then modify tbl_Target again (adding another 100 to the Account 2 record fields) as follows:
tbl_Target is rebuilt from the triggered action and only NOW reflects the first edit but NOT the second edit.
I created a "Task" that does the same thing and if I run that that after an edit tbl_Target properly reflects the current edit. But I can't run a task from a triggered action and the triggered action doesn't seem to have access to the edit that actually triggered the action.