Situation: Parent LOAN table includes fields: Date, Amount, SumOfPayments, MostRecentPayment, MostRecentPaymentAmount
Child PAYMENTS table includes fields: PaymentDate, PaymentAmount
When a PAYMENT is inserted, the SumOfPayments should increase by PaymentAmount, and if Payment is deleted, SumOfPayments should decrease by that amount. Easy enough in a trigger. The problem comes in the MostRecent fields. I can create a TASK to reorder PAYMENT table entries by PaymentDate and then reset those fields in the LOAN table, and loop thru PaymentAmounts to recalculate SumOfPayments. But triggers occur mid-transaction, so too early to set the MostRecent fields, or do I misunderstand? I would like to run the task immediately after the insert/delete/update takes place. Is there any way to do this?
Also, in a tabular report that allows inline edit and where the results are ordered by PaymentDate, I do not see a reordering after editing/updating the Payment Date. If I reload the results, the order is correct, but not if I edit inline. Here is an example of the results after changing the first row's date to occur before the date in the second row.