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  1. Hi @sandy159 Thank you very much for the detailed answer. I have read the details and I believe it is a correct solution (workaround). Unfortunately, I was not able to try it out since my account is an education account and Tasks are not available in this current plan. Thanks again Ahmed
  2. Basically, I do not to hard code the date as shown below
  3. Thank you very much I have tested the proposed solution I need to filter out all records that match todays date. It looks like "Before Now and After Now" take into consideration the time. So it will be evaluated to true if there is a record in the database before a second ago an equivalent Pseudocode sql statement would look similar to the following Select * from the joined result where Work_date is NULL or work_date not equal to todays date Thanks again
  4. Thank you very much I have contacted the support and they unblock the page.
  5. Hi I am building a view from two tables. I have joined them correctly but I am not build the "Where Condition" filtration criteria on a date field. The interface doesn't provide any help Basically, I want to build this criteria Select all records ( from the joined tables) Where Work_Date is blank or Work_Date is not today's date the problem is that it wants me to hardcode today's date ; this will work for today and tomorrow my query will be useless Is their a way to do it
  6. HI, I have tested a datapage that requires authentication on Caspio. It works fine. However when I embed the link on a page on bluehost using Wordpress. It first transfer me to the login as expected. After I enter the correct credentionals it gives me the followin error: Failed security check. DataPage cannot be rendered. (Caspio Bridge error) (62504)
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