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  1. Hello CooperBackpack, Yes it works, thanks a lot! Kind regards, Elke
  2. Hello, Is it possible that it works in a submission Form, but not in a Single Record Update? Kind regards, Elke
  3. Hello CoopperBackpack, this works, thanks a lot! Kind regards, Elke
  4. Hello, I don't know if I can ask a question in an existing topic? I have a Form where a few questions are asked, the next question only becomes visible when the previous one has been answered ('is not blank'). However, the 'submit button' is always below the question. I would like the 'submit button' to only become visible when the last question has been answered. Is that possible? Thanks for your help. Elke
  5. Hello, We have a datapage with 21 questions that people have to answer. We would like people to only see question by question (and not all 21 at once). Anyone have an idea how we can implement this within Caspio? Kind regards, Elke
  6. Hello, Can you help me with this? Occasionally there are people who say that they have entered and forwarded their data (that is via a caspio form), but I don't always receive that data in my table. Could that be because we don't have enough data transfer or some other reason? Could the cause of this be with Caspio and that it is better that we switch to another plan (we have now build plan)? Or do you think this has nothing to do with Caspio at all? Tanks for your feedback and kind regards, Elke
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