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  1. I have an .html web page that has both caspio datapages and regular .html The issue I have is that the .html language renders instantly and the caspio datapages take more time. As a result the page load looks super choppy, with the middle portion of the page laoding before the header. I've seen solutions in stack overflow (not caspio related) that use prerender/ prepload, but most examples use a delay timer. I don't want to artificailly delay the page by some chosen interval, I just want the page to render once the caspio datapages are loaded, however long that is. Anyone have a ready solution?
  2. Does anyone know how to remove the "▼" symbol (upside down triangle) from the page action for download? In style>>Page Actions>>Toolbar image actions I found where I can remove the text "Download" but the symbol persists.
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