I am trying to insert a record in one of the tables using Caspio API endpoint rest/v2/tables/{Table}/records
I am getting below error while inserting record -
"Code": "AlterReadOnlyData",
"Message": "Cannot perform operation because one or more fields are read-only.",
"Resource": "https://XXXXX.caspio.com/rest/v2/tables/XXXXXXXXX/records",
"RequestId": "C6EBCC49-4218-4028-B83E-7A0031E3042F"
I am suspecting this is coming due to our unique identifier which is auto-generated by Caspio. It's definition is -
"Format": "1",
"Prefix": "OBR",
"Name": "OB_Record_ID",
"Unique": true,
"Description": "Unique identifier for record.",
"DisplayOrder": 1,
"Label": "Record ID",
"UniqueAllowNulls": false,
"IsFormula": false
How do we provide this kind of field in API request. We tried following options but no luck.
"OB_Record_ID": "OBR1"
"OB_Record_ID": ""
"OB_Record_ID": "*"
"OB_Record_ID": null