As a First time Caspio user I'm sure there is a way to do this but I have been encountering some difficulties.
I have created this solution a number of times directly using AJAX and a Databse, but there are some tiny things that seem to be holding me back in Caspio. I am hoping someone can assist me.
The situation is fairly simple. 3 tables, two of which are data and one of which institutes a many to many join between the two
So I have
Person (Table)
Person_ID (Unique) (ID)
FirstName (Text255)
LastName (Text255)
FullName (Formula FirstName + ' ' + LastName)
Employer (Table)
Employer_ID (Unique) (ID)
Employer Name
Person_ID (Text255)
Employer_ID (Text255)
Creating a DataPage I start with Person_Join_Employer and I am able to create dropdowns from Person and Employer using the FullName field for Person for the display and the Person_ID from Person for the Value and doing the same with Employer, Dropdown using EmployerName and Employer_ID for the name and value respectively. Select both, press a button and the record gets added..
Now I want to change the dropdowns to Autocompletes and everything goes of the rails. FullName is no longer an acceptable value, and I'm not able to pair a value with the selection. Can anyone help? I'd prefer not to have to perform one selection then pass the ID to another DataPage to make the second one, but I will try that if I have to.
Please Help,