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  1. Hello Caspio fans, Perhaps you can help with this workflow. One of my managers has a spreadsheet he uses for data analysis. I'd like to keep the data source for this updated whenever an automatic export is processed. Saved the auto-export here... Used this option in Excel (there's no OneDrive option but Sharepoint is compatible with OneDrive... right??) Pasted in the link to the folder... Got this error. Removed the query string from the end... This error. Removed all the file path after the last slash (/), same error. Anyone else have success with a similar operation? What do you think is going on here? All advice appreciated. Cheers -- JL
  2. Bumping this for interest. Been looking for this for over a year now. Seems like too important (and complex) of a feature to skimp on the documentation.
  3. Checking back in. Been talking to tech support for the client software, and the solution is more complicated than I thought. If anyone's having the same problem, here's what they said: The reason that the request isn't going through is because the client software is on-premise. To get the request through, a port has to be opened on our server to the Internet. A security certificate has to be generated and applied to the port. Caspio is then directed to that port with the webhook POST request. Not really sure what that looks like in practice, but I bet someone in our IT department can help. I'll bump this thread with results soon
  4. Hi there. Tried changing request to https://. Totally broke it. So it seems that the API only works with HTTP, while Caspio only accepts HTTPS. Any ideas on how to square the circle?
  5. Good afternoon, fellow code monkeys. We've reached a point in our development cycle where we need to send data out to a bunch of other software. UPS for address validation and shipping, WASP for purchase order creation, and QuickBooks for financial reporting. Yet I cannot get any of it to work for the life of me. For example, let's look at this API request to WASP for creating a purchase order: (dummy data) Works great in Postman, received a 200 the first time I tried it. Yet, I have scoured the depths of the Caspio API docs, plumbed the forums, and sent crates full of tickets to support, none of which were able to help. Problem is that I don't know where the heck to put any of this request data so that it can use data from my tables. There's not an obvious user interface anywhere. Tried embedding it in HTML blocks too, no luck. Tried sending it via webhook, and got this error: Anyone had any success transferring data from Caspio to the other software in your workflow? It must be possible, since API data transfer is displayed prominently as a feature on the sales landing page, but I just can't figure it out, and neither can anyone I've spoken with from Support. Appreciate any tips or guidance that might point me in the right direction. Cheers -- JL
  6. Hello Volo, Thanks for the clarification. This is my first try at web development so a lot of these conventions are brand new to me. It took a little trial and error but the page works now. For some reason, when "Download Data" is clicked, the generated PDF is missing the codes, but that is probably a separate topic. Have a great day - JL
  7. Hello code wizards! Here's an interesting challenge for you. I'd like to create packing slips for our orders. The design I came up with was a gallery report, with each cell containing the part number and a QR code containing a link to all the documentation generated for that part (inspections, evaluations, quality control reports, etc). Here's the configuration: The output of this script is pretty wacky when more than one part is associated with the order. All the part numbers are in their own cells, as intended. But the QRs are all smashed together into a QR snake. What's more, all the codes are identical - they don't update according to the individual orderDetailID (parameter in the code above). Do you have any ideas on how to 1. ensure that a unique code is generated for each record, and 2. properly distribute the codes to the cells? Let me know if you need more information. Cheers ✌️
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