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  1. @Cooper. Not protected. Supervisors report for their team (Up to 10 Employee ID). Testing another solution: My date comes from a form. I created 5 different reports with identical columns. Hoping I can "merge" the 5 reports into another table or view
  2. Hey Cooper. I have tested the tabular report but you need to fill each field everytime (Date, Employee ID)
  3. Thanks for taking the time to answer Cooper! I just use the basic plan and don't have access to triggered actions. Is there a way to create a table that grabs a set column of a table and create a line. Then grabs another set of columns and creates to create the next line?
  4. Hi. I am working on a timesheet application. I have employees fill up a time sheet everyday. Each employee enters their ID , and the date. Then they need to enter jobs and times they spent on those jobs. I create 5 fields for potentially 5 different jobs. The employee submits the form once instead of 5 times. That also ensures that the sum of their hours is 8h/day (Simple calculation within the form). My form creates 1 line with 5 jobs as columns. Some jobs are blank if nothing is entered. How would I create a table with 1 job per line from that form? 1 job filled up would create 1 line 3 jobs filled up would create 3 lines .... Thank you !
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