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  1. Hello all, Very new to Caspio. I have created my webform and it looks the way I want, which is great. However, I had to create individual time fields hh:mm:ss for specific events within an incident and tie them to the "incident date." However, when I run a test and enter time values in the corresponding boxes, nothing comes across to my table. For reference, I created multiple HTML blocks for each of the respective times. In this statement, the column in the table is "TimeEventStart" and the incident date within the table is "IncidentDate." What am I missing? Here is the HTML code I am using: <!-- Hidden field for IncidentDate dynamically populated by Caspio --> <input id="InsertRecord_IncidentDate" name="InsertRecord_IncidentDate" type="hidden" /> <!-- Input fields for time --> <div> <label for="InsertRecord_TimeEventStart_hh" style="font-weight: bold; margin-right: 47px;">Event Start Time:</label> <input id="InsertRecord_TimeEventStart_hh" maxlength="2" placeholder="hh" size="2" style="width: 60px; height: 30px; margin-right: 10px;" type="text" /> <label for="InsertRecord_TimeEventStart_mm" style="margin-right: 10px;">Minutes:</label> <input id="InsertRecord_TimeEventStart_mm" maxlength="2" placeholder="mm" size="2" style="width: 60px; height: 30px; margin-right: 10px;" type="text" /> <label for="InsertRecord_TimeEventStart_ss" style="margin-right: 10px;">Seconds:</label> <input id="InsertRecord_TimeEventStart_ss" maxlength="2" placeholder="ss" size="2" style="width: 60px; height: 30px;" type="text" /> <!-- AM/PM selector --> <select id="InsertRecord_TimeEventStart_ampm" style="height: 30px;"> <option value="AM">AM</option> <option value="PM">PM</option> </select> </div> <!-- Hidden input to store the final combined date-time for submission --> <input id="InsertRecord_TimeEventStart" name="InsertRecord_TimeEventStart" type="hidden" /> <script> function combineDateTime() { // Fetch the dynamically populated IncidentDate const incidentDate = document.getElementById('InsertRecord_IncidentDate').value; // Get time values from the user input fields let hours = parseInt(document.getElementById('InsertRecord_TimeEventStart_hh').value, 10); // Convert to integer const minutes = document.getElementById('InsertRecord_TimeEventStart_mm').value.padStart(2, '0'); // Ensures 2 digits for minutes const seconds = document.getElementById('InsertRecord_TimeEventStart_ss').value.padStart(2, '0'); // Ensures 2 digits for seconds const ampm = document.getElementById('InsertRecord_TimeEventStart_ampm').value; // Convert 12-hour format to 24-hour format based on AM/PM if (ampm === 'PM' && hours < 12) { hours += 12; // Convert PM hours to 24-hour format } else if (ampm === 'AM' && hours === 12) { hours = 0; // Handle midnight case (12 AM) } const hoursStr = String(hours).padStart(2, '0'); // Ensure 2 digits for hours // Combine the IncidentDate with the manually entered time (hours, minutes, seconds) const combinedDateTime = `${incidentDate} ${hoursStr}:${minutes}:${seconds}`; // Set the combined date-time into the hidden input field for submission document.getElementById('InsertRecord_TimeEventStart').value = combinedDateTime; } // Ensure combineDateTime is called before the form is submitted document.addEventListener('submit', function(event) { combineDateTime(); }); </script>
  2. Hello all, New to Caspio. I have a multi-select list box on my data page. It has 20 different options. I want to expand the box to show all 20 values (ideally, 4 columns and 5 rows) rather than just the one column. How do I do this? I cannot find anything on the matter. Nor can I find where I can enter a CSS code to do so. Any help for this newb would be great! Thank you!
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