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Open link in new tab or focus to it if already open

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I have a report page which lists customers.
I have used Caspio´s Link generator to make a link which opens a new tab to take me to a customer´s contact card. It looks like this:

<a class="cbMenuItem" href="https://www.website.com/cc.html?uid=[@field:User_ID]" target="_blank">View/Edit</a>

When you click on the link as it is now, it will open a new tab each time I click on that customer. If I click second time still it is opening another tab even if this customer is already open. I want to restrict that. When I click the link related to the customer for the first time, I want to open a tab. And if I click second time onwards (on the same person) then it should take me to the tab already opened and focus on it. When I click the link related to another person, it should open a tab displaying that person, also if the first person is still open.

To clarify – I want the ability to have several customers opened, but if I click the link on a customer already opened, I want to be sent to that opened tab.

What changes should I do to make it work like that?

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