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Set the value from virtual field to text field and be editable for users

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Hi, I have a submission form datapage with a virtual field that has its value set while on the page and a text field. I want the value of the virtual field to set the default value of the editable text field. Can I do this?

For example:
In the first 2 dropdowns, pick the first option available, I want to set Name to the value of Virtual8 'Recommended Name' after you select from the first 2 dropdowns, 'Recommended name' (Virtual8) is valued. I want 'Working Checklist Name' (Name) to then be valued with what is in Virtual8. 



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You may try this workaround. Add a Header/Footer to your form and add the following code in the footer:

function setSearchIssue(){
var issue = document.querySelector('input[id*="cbParamVirtual8"]').value;

document.getElementById("InsertRecordName").value = issue;
document.querySelector('input[id*="cbParamVirtual8"]').onchange = function() {setSearchIssue()};

Also refer to https://forums.caspio.com/topic/4377-js-guide-caspio-form-elements/ for help on addressing different form elements.


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