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Prevent form submission until all calculated values load

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I have a submission form with three virtual fields. Two of those three virtual fields are calculated values. I'm having an issue where if someone hits 'enter' or 'submit' before those virtual fields calculate, nothing happens. I need to ensure the two calculated value fields load before the form can be submitted. 

Can anyone help provide javascript to help? Thanks in advance.

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Can I have a better look at your workflow? Sample Page, or screenshots?


Are these fields calculating as soon as the DataPage load, or after you input some values on other fields? 

What values are you expecting for these fields to have, do they have a CONSTANT condition, like, they always have greater than 5 value, so you may use that for the condition on the JavaScript?

Lastly, what are you using these virtual fields for? These do not get saved in the table, are you passing this as an On Exit parameter?

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