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Currency field input mask



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Hello @Gunnar360c,

Thanks to @Franchiser for providing the code as it works for me. The following code was just added to the Header/Footer section of my Submission Form DataPage:


var y=document.getElementById("InsertRecordCurrency");
y.onblur = function() {myFunction()};

function myFunction() {
var x = y.value;

function CurrencyFormatted(amount)
var i = parseFloat(amount);
if(isNaN(i)) { i = 0.00; }
var minus = '';
if(i < 0) { minus = '-'; }
i = Math.abs(i);
i = parseInt((i + .005) * 100);
i = i / 100;
s = new String(i);
if(s.indexOf('.') < 0) { s += '.00'; }
if(s.indexOf('.') == (s.length - 2)) { s += '0'; }
s = minus + s;
return s;

function CommaFormatted(amount)
var delimiter = ","; // replace comma if desired
var a = amount.split('.',2)
var d = a[1];
var i = parseInt(a[0]);
if(isNaN(i)) { return ''; }
var minus = '';
if(i < 0) { minus = '-'; }
i = Math.abs(i);
var n = new String(i);
var a = [];
while(n.length > 3)
var nn = n.substr(n.length-3);
n = n.substr(0,n.length-3);
if(n.length > 0) { a.unshift(n); }
n = a.join(delimiter);
if(d.length < 1) { amount = n; }
else { amount = n + '.' + d; }
amount = minus + amount;
return "$" + amount;

According to him, you just need change the highlighted text in red with the exact name of your currency field. 

I hope this works for you as well!

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Hi! Just an update on this, there is another solution or workaround that might help you when it comes to formatting text or editable fields in currency. This is by using a JavaScript library that creates an input mask. For more information, you may check these links:
- https://github.com/RobinHerbots/Inputmask
- https://robinherbots.github.io/Inputmask/

As a test, here is a sample code when applied in a DataPage.


<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.6.0/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery.inputmask/5.0.7/jquery.inputmask.min.js"></script>



document.addEventListener('DataPageReady', function (event) {

$("#EditRecordFIELDNAME").inputmask({ alias : "currency", prefix: '$ ' });
$("#EditRecordFIELDNAME").inputmask({ alias : "currency", prefix: '$ ' });



Hope it helps!

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Hi - Just to add on this post. If you would like to format the number field to two decimal places - For example, on whole numbers such as 16, it would be 16.00.

You can use this formula

STR([@field:Number], 6, 2)

The STR() function returns a number as a string.

16 = 16.00
15.345878 = 15.35

- https://howto.caspio.com/function-reference/#:~:text=Str(number%2C length %2C precision)
- https://www.w3schools.com/sql/func_sqlserver_str.asp

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