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interactive options not availabe



I'm trying to create a search-n-report datapage that would allow users to edit the records retrieved. All the interactive options on the search results options page of the edit wizard are grayed out, though. My datasource is a view that combines fields from two tables, and I've got enable Advanced options checked.

The editing wizard is slow and obnoxious, btw. If you're only going to allow editing via a wizard, at least have some sort of navigation thingie that would allow you to skip to the point in the wizard that you want to edit, and exit at any point when you've changed the thing you want to change. having to p a g e t h r o u g h e v e r y s c r e e n t o c h a n g e o n e l i t t l e t h i n g i s t e d i o u s.

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DataPages built on multi-table Views are not editable. That's why a lot of your editing otpions are grayed out. You have two choices: 1. Build your editable screens on tables, or 2. Instead of the standard details page from a view-datapage, use a link along with the id of the record as a parameter and pass it to another page where you can edit the record served by a datapage based on a table.

Having the ability to skip some wizard screens is something we are considering for a future release.

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DataPages built on multi-table Views are not editable. That's why a lot of your editing otpions are grayed out. You have two choices: 1. Build your editable screens on tables, or 2. Instead of the standard details page from a view-datapage, use a link along with the id of the record as a parameter and pass it to another page where you can edit the record served by a datapage based on a table.

I was having this same problem. How do I set up the link form the results page to the standard table-based (rather than view-based) details page? If I'm looking at tabular results from a view-based search (I'm using a view that joins a main data table with a states data table), I can't link the ID column with a URL. Additionally, if I try and link to another datapage passing the ID for the main data table, I don't see an option to link to an existing datapage. Do I have to deploy the details datapage and get a URL from the deployment?

Seems sort of clunky. If I can do searches/reports on a view, it seems natural that you'd be able to do edits on a view and skip this extra confusing step of creating a parameter dependent details datapage.



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OK -- on the tabular results page, if I want to format a column to be clickable, the assumption is that the column rendered is a URL. How am I supposed to link from a view-based search datapage results listing to a table-based details page (via parameter passing) if I can't create a link?

I'm confused. If you can chime in DaveP, I'd appreciate it.



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DataPages built on multi-table Views are not editable. That's why a lot of your editing otpions are grayed out. You have two choices: 1. Build your editable screens on tables, or 2. Instead of the standard details page from a view-datapage, use a link along with the id of the record as a parameter and pass it to another page where you can edit the record served by a datapage based on a table.

I was having this same problem. How do I set up the link form the results page to the standard table-based (rather than view-based) details page? If I'm looking at tabular results from a view-based search (I'm using a view that joins a main data table with a states data table), I can't link the ID column with a URL. Additionally, if I try and link to another datapage passing the ID for the main data table, I don't see an option to link to an existing datapage. Do I have to deploy the details datapage and get a URL from the deployment?

Seems sort of clunky. If I can do searches/reports on a view, it seems natural that you'd be able to do edits on a view and skip this extra confusing step of creating a parameter dependent details datapage.




First, create a Search DataPage and link it to the table where you want to make the changes. Remember to enable Advanced Options. Configure this DataPage to be "Pre-defined criteria", check "Enabled parameters in criteria" check box, and select "Bridge and external parameters" radio button. Filter the result based on the ID that will be passed from the URL and configure that field to receive parameter


. For the Search Results Page, choose "Direct to Details" radio button. Make the fields editable in the Details Page accordingly.

Edit the DataPage that is linked to the view. Enable Advanced Features. For the result page, add an HTML block. In the HTML block, enter:

where url is the url of the where the DataPage with editable details is deployed.

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Edit the DataPage that is linked to the view. Enable Advanced Features. For the result page, add an HTML block. In the HTML block, enter:

where url is the url of the where the DataPage with editable details is deployed.

OK -- this is kind of where I'm a little troubled -- I can't set up the URL above without deploying the page. That is to say, I can't select from a list of pre-existing datapages and test this internally. I have to deploy the update page first and get the dynamic URL.


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Edit the DataPage that is linked to the view. Enable Advanced Features. For the result page, add an HTML block. In the HTML block, enter:

where url is the url of the where the DataPage with editable details is deployed.

OK -- this is kind of where I'm a little troubled -- I can't set up the URL above without deploying the page. That is to say, I can't select from a list of pre-existing datapages and test this internally. I have to deploy the update page first and get the dynamic URL.


Deploy the DataPage and use the URL deployment model. You can then test it out with that URL.

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OK -- I was able to add the HTML block from the view-based search results datapage and link it to a direct-to-details table-based search datapage.

If you guys could add DataPages as an insertable field in an HTML block or head/footer, that would be nice for linking PRIOR to deploying a datapage, as I did in this instance.

Is there a way to get the direct-to-details table-based datapage to go BACK to the search results? I hate to pass a javascript:history(-1) directive as the URL. Or pass all the parameters from the view-based search results page to the direct-to-details page.


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OK -- I was able to add the HTML block from the view-based search results datapage and link it to a direct-to-details table-based search datapage.

If you guys could add DataPages as an insertable field in an HTML block or head/footer, that would be nice for linking PRIOR to deploying a datapage, as I did in this instance.

Is there a way to get the direct-to-details table-based datapage to go BACK to the search results? I hate to pass a javascript:history(-1) directive as the URL. Or pass all the parameters from the view-based search results page to the direct-to-details page.



Unfortunately, there is no way to get back to the results. However, you can make it so that if they click on the "Details" link, it opens another window. For example:

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