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Timestamping a specific field within a record?



Hey guys -

Quick question. I have a calendar table that has a place for 2 files to be uploaded in the details page (one for client prep work, the other for post meeting notes). Is there any way to record a timestamp that instead of timestamping when the record was updated, timestamp when a specific field is updated?

The reason is, the main page will be pulling the 10 most recently added files of each type, so I need to be able to isolate each. I fear that I may have to make a separate database for each that timestamps there if this isn't possible. I'd really rather not do that.

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Timestamping the record upon a specific field update is not a standard feature. I am thinking of any workaround, what if you write a Java Script on the update/details DataPage to check for the file text field value, if the field is blank then no new file is updated and if the field has a value which is the file reference that user has browsed and selected then there is a new file being uploaded and in this case you will record the timestamp in a date/time field.

The above solution requires Java script programming, if you are interested to do it yourself you can take a look at some sample scripts at viewforum.php?f=14. If you would like to have Caspio team write the script for you, contact support at http://www.caspio.com/support/.


Bahar M.

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