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Cascading Listbox to Fill in Other Fields



Can anyone help me with how I can use the results of a cascading listbox to fill in other fields? For example, lets say we are using a lookup table that contains four columns. The first has the type of food (ie Fruit, Vegatable, etc). After the type of food is selected in the first list box, the second list box provides various versions of that food (ie Apples, Bananas, etc.). Then within that table each of those food items has two other fields with information associated with the product (i.e. one may indicate the price and another a description of the product).

After the cascading listboxes are selected for "Fruit" and "Vegatable", how do I get it to automatically fill in the values for the Price and Description field? I assume this involves Javascript and would really appreciate if anyone could point me in the right direction on this.


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Thanks for the quick reply... I have seen that article and have got the cascading listboxes working as described in that article. The additional step I can't figure out is how to have additional display fields that show information from the other fields in that same record in the lookup database. Such that if the food group and specific food are chosen, I would like additional fields elsewhere on the form to be populated with information.

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as I see, you want one dropdown and 3-4 cascading dropdown. And you have one lookup table that has all the fields needed to construct dropdown and cascading. But, you want the last cascading(suppose description) to be shown in a paragraph form(and not in a single line) as a text area. If this is the case, then I guess you will need Javascript. I am not good with it. You can ask caspio support to help you. But ya.. there will be certain $$

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