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Concatenating two fields in an update form

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I took my js directly from forum site and I can't seem to make it work. My alert does not work either.

The two fields I am concatenating are both regular dropdowns (not cascading). The field I want to update them to is not display only - it is text.

All of my field names are entered correctly.

Here is my script. Very straightforward. I got this to work on my input form, just can't get it to work on the update form. Any help would be appreciated.

function concatenate()


var position1 = document.getElementById("EditRecordHauler").value;

var position2 = document.getElementById("EditRecordDestination").value;

var allpositions = position1+"|"+position2;

document.getElementById("EditRecordHaulerDestination").value = allpositions;

alert('all positions='+allpositions);



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Try this:

function concatenate()


var position1 = document.getElementById("EditRecordHauler").options[document.getElementById("EditRecordHauler").selectedIndex].value;

var position2 = document.getElementById("EditRecordDestination").options[document.getElementById("EditRecordDestination").selectedIndex].value;

var allpositions = position1+"|"+position2;

document.getElementById("EditRecordHaulerDestination").value = allpositions;

alert('all positions='+allpositions);



Please let me know if it works for you.

Cheers :wink: :wink: :wink:

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If you don't even get the alert working it means there are broken codes prior to the alert line, when browser get to the broken code it stops rendering and compiling the rest. I suggest if you start debugging the code by having the alert command at the beginning of the script, if it does not work then other part of your page has broken codes. You can use Firefox add-on called Firebug for the debug purpose.

Keep us updated. You may also provide the URL, I can take a look.


Bahar M.

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By moving the alert statement up and working my way down I was able to get it to work with trial and error. It turns out that I needed to use getElementsByName for both of the dropdowns. I was thinking that syntax was only needed for cascading dropdowns. Anyway...I got it and here is the code.

function concatenate()


var position1 = document.getElementsByName("EditRecordHauler")[0].value;

var position2 = document.getElementsByName("EditRecordDestination")[0].value;

var allpositions = position1+" | "+position2;

document.getElementById("EditRecordHaulerDestination").value = allpositions;



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