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Variable User Login Capture



Hi All,


Can anyone please provide a JavaScript to do the following as I have tried rules and I can’t seem to get it to work.

I have a record in a data page that contains fields d1 to d10 (these are date fields) and fields et1 to et10 (hidden fields).

If an authenticated user amends d1 then I want his/her username to be stored in et1.

If an authenticated user amends d2 then I want his/her username to be stored in et2.

If an authenticated user amends d3 then I want his/her username to be stored in et3.

If an authenticated user amends d4 then I want his/her username to be stored in et4.

If an authenticated user amends d5 then I want his/her username to be stored in et5.

If an authenticated user amends d6 then I want his/her username to be stored in et6.

If an authenticated user amends d7 then I want his/her username to be stored in et7.

If an authenticated user amends d8 then I want his/her username to be stored in et8.

If an authenticated user amends d9 then I want his/her username to be stored in et9.

If an authenticated user amends d10 then I want his/her username to be stored in et10.




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Hi Pearse,


I have some additional questions before I can propose to a code :)

Is it a Submission form?

How does a user amend, for example, d1? I mean, if d1 is empty, it means a user does not amends it, and if the field contains any text, it means that user amends it. Is it correct?

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