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Issue With Login Redirect To Specific Page



Hello all,


Hopefully there is a simple answer to my question, I have read every post regarding login redirection and didn't find one with my same issue. However I am not sure what Jan means by the Source button in this post: 




I have successfully used the login redirect to take the user to a homepage. Now the powers that be want the redirect to go to another page. No problem right? I simply adjusted the script in my html datapage to the following:


However, it still redirects to user-home!? So I deleted the login html datapage and made another from scratch. AND IT STILL TAKES ME TO user-home!!!! 
I have tried to delete all the cache from Caspio and Wordpress and still nothing. Problem happens on other browsers and computers too. 
Am I missing something? Could Caspio be caching my old login redirect?
Thanks to this great community for helping me keep my sanity, I took over this project from a developer who couldn't finish the job so there may be code somewhere preventing me from changing the redirect but since it worked once for me it should again, right? 
Much love,


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Hello Brian,


I mean, the "Source" button in the HTML-Editor. If you do not click the button and enter a code, the code will be displayed as a text and the code will not work :)


Could you please send me test credentials to see the page that redirects users?

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