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Submit Form: Show Message With Same Form Setting

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How do I, on a Submission Form, show a successful submission message when using 'Same Form' for the destination? 


I am using for these particular forms the iFrame deployment in a modal. When 'Same Form' is clicked it does not close the modal but flashes the form (submits data) and then stays open. This would be ok if I can at least show a 'successful submission' message so the user knows their data was saved.


The problem is that if I use Close Form the modal stays open- I can't close the modal via the Caspio datapage.

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Hi DesiLogi !


You can add this script into the Footer of your Submission Form : 


function myFunction()
alert ('Form was submitted')
document.getElementById("caspioform").onsubmit = myFunction;


When you click on Submit Button, you will see a small notification message that the form was submitted. 


Good luck 


Aurora  ;)

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  • 4 years later...


On 10/21/2015 at 6:23 PM, Aurora said:

Hi DesiLogi !


You can add this script into the Footer of your Submission Form : 


function myFunction()
alert ('Form was submitted')
document.getElementById("caspioform").onsubmit = myFunction;


When you click on Submit Button, you will see a small notification message that the form was submitted. 


Good luck 


Aurora  ;)


I have the up to date version of this code which is friendly with AJAX loading of the datapages:

<script type="text/javascript">
function customAlert() {
alert ('Form was submitted');
document.addEventListener('BeforeFormSubmit', customAlert);


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  • 2 years later...

I have a similar issue. The problem is if a required field isn't filled the above code generates a message "Form was submitted" and then shows "Some fields are required" making the submit confirmation meaningless. I've tried "AfterFormSubmit" but this doesn't appear to be an event. Is there a way around this?

Thanks in advance

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