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Calculating Period From Date




I have a submission Form in which I want to calulate the period YYMM from the date selected in a calendar Popup.


I have tried different variations of scripts I have found here, but haven'n got it right so far.

Maybe I am mixing up the formats date, string og number?

I usually define period as a number, and when I fetch year and month the period is calculated by year *100 + month.

If year and month are string values, it should be sometheing like left(year,2) &mnd (Visual Basic).

Does anyone have a solution to this?

I tried this, hoping that my v_year and v_month are number values


function calculate()


v-date = document.getElementByID("InsertRecordDate").Value;

v_year = v.date.getFullYear(); 

v_month = v_date.getMonth();

v_period = v_year * 100 + v_month 

document.getElementById("InsertRecordPeriod").Value = Math.round(v_period);


document.getElementBy ID("caspioform")=.onsubmit.calculate;



Am I close? :-)


Jan H

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Hi Jan,


How are you? How's the weather in your city?

I've corrected your code a bit:


function setDate()
     var stringDate = document.getElementById("InsertRecordDate").value;
     var v_Date = new Date(Date.parse(stringDate));
     v_year = v_Date.getFullYear();
     v_month = v_Date.getMonth();
     v_period = v_year * 100 + v_month + 1;


getMonth returns the number of a month, started from 0, so I added "+1" to the correspond line.



I'll be grateful, if you tell me if the code works.

Have a nice day!

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Your code worked as for trying to write to the field period, but I am getting a message "NaN" which means its not a number? In my table I had datatype = Integer, and when I changed it to text, the DataPage stored the value "NaN" as text.

I tried also to use datatype integer, and the code parseInt in before the v_month and v_year, but I still couldn't get it to work.

I have the feeling that this is very close :-)

By the way, the weather here inn Norway is clear sky, but not more the 10 degrees centigrade :-/

Jan H

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Hi Jan,


I've found a mistake in my code. I hope, now everything is fixed:


function setDate()
     var stringDate = document.getElementById("InsertRecordDate").value;
     var v_Date = new Date(Date.parse(stringDate));
     var v_year = parseInt(v_Date.getFullYear());
     var v_month = parseInt(v_Date.getMonth());
     var v_period = v_year * 100 + v_month + 1;
     v_period = parseInt(v_period);


I thought, it's colder in Norway on Halloween :) And if I understand correctly, the 10 degrees centigrade is rather cold and should be even warmer?


Have a nice day!

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Hi Jan,


Add alerts to see, where the problems start :)


function setDate()
     var stringDate = document.getElementById("InsertRecordDate").value;
     var v_Date = new Date(Date.parse(stringDate));
     var v_year = parseInt(v_Date.getFullYear());
     var v_month = parseInt(v_Date.getMonth()) + 1;
     var v_period = v_year * 100 + v_month;
     v_period = parseInt(v_period);


In which alert the first "NaN" is displayed?

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Hi again Jan,


I have tried with the Norwegian localization, and I get "NaN" as well. That's surprise for me!


I have rewritten the code as follows:

function setDate()
     var stringDate = document.getElementById("InsertRecordDate").value;
     var strDays = stringDate.slice(0, 2);
     var strMonths = stringDate.slice(3, 5);
     var strYears = stringDate.slice(6);
     var strDate = strMonths + "/" + strDays + "/" + strYears;
     var v_Date = new Date(Date.parse(strDate));
     var v_year = parseInt(v_Date.getFullYear());
     var v_month = parseInt(v_Date.getMonth());
     var v_period = v_year * 100 + v_month + 1;
     v_period = parseInt(v_period);

And then I realized, that the code should be shorter, like follows:

function setDate()
     var stringDate = document.getElementById("InsertRecordDate").value;
     var v_period = parseInt(stringDate.slice(6)) * 100 + parseInt(stringDate.slice(3, 5));

I'll be grateful, if you tell me if the code works. I hope they do!

Have a nice day!

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