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Is Your Software Able To Implement This Case?

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I have the synonym database, including 2 tables:

words table:

id (int)

word (text)


synonyms table

id (int)

word1_id (int)



Several notes

1. Columns word1_id and word2_id are id-s of words table records. I know that it is not the best solution for this specific task, but it is just the example.

2. Synonyms table cannot include two records with the same ids of both words (at least in the same order).


I want to have one or several softwares (or online services) which makes possible without any programming the following:

1. Easily generate similar database structure (maybe smth link WorkBench EER diagram);

2. Easily create new records adding form, for this example that will be synonyms pairs. The algorithm must be not trivial, e.g. when one of words we want to add as synonym pair is not present in words table, it must be automatically added there.

3. Easily retrieve data (synonyms) for the specified word.



1. Is it possible to implement that with your software?

2. Is it compatible with Mysql (I mean can I send mysql queries to manage your database?)

3. What plan should I subscribe to be able to implement my task?


Thanks in advance!

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