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clear the new password field and Confirmation password field in the single record update data page

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I have a single record update data page . (See example) The user must change his password here . My problem is that automatically  already ******** appears in the fields .

( By creating in the submitForm I do not use the password field , so the password field is blank !!  or not?? ) .

And I don't want to use a " Require current password validation" .

Is there a way to clear the new password field and Confirmation password field in the single record update data page. If do that manually it works fine .




the way how it is now.


as it should be:


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Hello peterhanse,


By creating in the submitForm I do not use the password field , so the password field is blank !!  or not??

Password cannot be blank. If you didn't write any value when add new row, system will generate random password.


Is there a way to clear the new password field and Confirmation password field in the single record update data page

Sure. Please add Header & Footer to your Update DataPage, and place code below to DataPage footer.

Please pay your attention, that if user already did change own password, she open Update DataPage second time, and password fields will cleaned on page's load, it is required enter password every time when data will changed, Otherwise password will be override with random value.   

<script type="text/javascript">
	var pwd = document.getElementById('EditRecordPwd'); //place real ID here
	if(pwd){ pwd.value = ''; }

	var pwdc = document.getElementById('EditRecordPwd@Confirm'); //place real ID here, but keep @Confirm suffix 
	if(pwdc){ pwdc.value = ''; }

I don't want to use a " Require current password validation" .

I'm not sure which kind of issue you have with it. Please edit your DataPage, go to "Fields configuration", select you password field(s) and uncheck "Require current password validation".


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Thank you kRv,
it works perfectly , I use the data page only 1 time a user to " Transfer" the account to the new user . That's what I meant by I do not want to use a "Require current password validation" .because the user does not know the current password. And if you use "Require current password validation" the fields new and confirm password are blank but you have to know the old password.

regards, peter

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  • 4 months later...

I also wanted a script to clear the automatic password, but on reading this post, basically my users HAVE TO enter or change their password every time they update a record or a random password will be entered in its place?  That would be a nightmare.  What if I just remove the password field from the edit form altogether?  Will the original password be left intact?

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  • 5 years later...

Hello!! You may also try this script to remove the current password to populate on password and confirm password fields, you need to add the code below on the footer of your DataPage. 

document.querySelector('input[name="EditRecordPassword"]').value = "";
document.querySelector('input[name="EditRecordPassword@Confirm"]').value = "";


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  • 1 year later...

I ran into a similar issue but  with a normal field in a Single Record Update form. The problem is that none of the report type or Update forms allow "on load receive" just like in a submission form. In my case, I need my users to not see what was the previous value before they edit.

I came up with a similar solution as @autonumber I put this script in the footer and it works like a charm:

<script type="text/javascript">
document.addEventListener('DataPageReady', function (event) {
 document.getElementById('EditRecordYourField'sName').value = "";

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