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how to pass audio id to multiple tabs in the same browser

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<script type="text/javascript">
     document.onkeydown = function () {
     var audio1 = document.getElementById("player");
     window.addEventListener("keydown", playPauseKb, false);

     //document.getElementById("audio1").onkeypress = function () {
     document.getElementById("audio1.id").onkeydown = function playPauseKb(event) {
             var x = event.keyCode;
             if (x == 113) {
                 audio.currentTime -= 5;//F9 Rewined

             else if (x == 114) {
                 audio.currentTime += 5;//F11 forword                

             else if (x == 115) {
                 if (audio.paused) {
                     audio.play();//F10 paly/pause
                 else {


here I am getting id as alert but instead of displaying the id as alert I need to pass the id to multiple tabs and these multiple tabs are opened by the user dynamically to this dynamically opened mutiple tabs I need to pass the id in such a way that my extension works with keydown And when I am in that tab where I have audio this is my code


<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Play Audio File" ItemStyle-Width="200px" ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center" > 
                  <audio controls="controls" id="player">
                     <source src='<%# Eval("audio") %>' />
                     your browser does not support the audio element.</audio>

<script  type = "text/javascript">
         var audio = document.getElementById("player");
         window.addEventListener("keydown", playPauseKb, false);

         function playPauseKb(event) {
             var x = event.keyCode;
             if (x == 120) {
                 audio.currentTime -= 5;//F9 Rewined

             else if (x == 122) {
                 audio.currentTime += 5;//F11 forword                

             else if (x == 121) {
                 if (audio.paused) {
                     audio.play();//F10 paly/pause
                 else {


which works with keydown but if user opens a new tab dynamically keydown is not working how can I control the audio with keydown from multiple tabs

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