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Setting up Charts



Is there a way to make a chart/graph that would give a visual representation of the progress toward a goal? 


For example, I have a numerical field that gets an entry every time a table entry is made. 


There is a goal number associated with that entry table as well. That number remains consistent. 


So I want a graph to show we have 10 out of 50 complete. Then it may change to 11/50 with the next entry and so on. 



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19 hours ago, Pulford said:

Is there a way to make a chart/graph that would give a visual representation of the progress toward a goal? 


For example, I have a numerical field that gets an entry every time a table entry is made. 


There is a goal number associated with that entry table as well. That number remains consistent. 


So I want a graph to show we have 10 out of 50 complete. Then it may change to 11/50 with the next entry and so on. 



Hi, I would recommend using column  type of chart. Define the following settings on the Configure chart settings screen of the  wizard:

- Chart settings: define value for the width setting, because chart will be too wide for 1 column. Try using 400px.

- Data source settings: select  "Use a separate field for each series"

 category X axis: leave blank

- category Y axis: set "fixed" for Axis value range and in the "to" field define your goal, so you need to put 50 there. Also select "none" in the formatting setting (it's set to % by default)

- value1: select a numerical field and select "count" in aggregation. After that save changes.


Hope it helps :)

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Hi, Caspio recently launch an App Extension that you may find helpful for this specific workflow. This App Extension is a Gantt Chart that is useful in tracking the progress of every items in your task list. Here's the link:

https://www.caspio.com/services/request-info/?e=Gantt Chart

 You may also check this link to see the rest of the App Extensions:



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