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Not all records showing




I have created the login page, which works for me and data is displayed. However, only data that matches the first record is displayed. I can log in as one user that has multiple records but only the first record is displayed. I can also log in as the second person and even though they have records nothing is displayed.

Is there any reason this could be happening?

The only filter that i have set up is that the login ID matches the login ID on the users table. The users table is then used to combine multiple tables together. My theory is that each user logs in and can see a history of their transactions and then click on the details page to review their own data.

It works on one user and only on thier first record. This happens if "Restrict record access based on user identity." is selected or deselected. I cannot find anything to change this? When I preview views (before the authentication stage) everything is displayed. Am I missing something simple here?

Thanks for any help

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Ok, so the solution that i have got to work is not ideal but it will do the job. In the authentication stage, the filter was to only allow active users to log in, but this resulted in only one record to show for the first user in my list and then nothing for the other users. It did stop inactive people logging in.

Removing the filter shows all records for the first user after login and also all the records for the other users after they have logged in. The downside is that inactive users can login. I guess I can just remove their login details to overcome this.

Thanks for your help :)

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